chapter 6

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Something to know about me is that I'm not big on work. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy learning about new things as much as the next person. But something about being forced into doing work on subjects I find the least bit captivating infuriates the life out of me.

I prefer doing things just for the sake of being interested, or to have plain old fun. These facts, however, are probably why I was not deemed worthy enough of being a Ravenclaw. I value fun over anything else.

I put on the facade of someone who doesn't care about the way they're viewed within their family. But deep down it really bothers me.

I've been working my absolute hardest in all of my classes with one consecutive goal in mind; to prove to my mother that I am just as smart as any Ravenclaw. She's never believed in me, no one in my family has, and that's the way it's been since I can remember. A big part of her always knew I wouldn't be in Ravenclaw and would end up an embarrassment to our family name. No one can say "Hollands are Ravenclaws" anymore, now can they?

I never understood the great deal they all made about being Ravenclaws anyhow. Who cares what house you're in?

After a tiring afternoon, I decide to skip dinner and head to the dormitories instead. I collapse onto Alice's bed beside her.

"Rough day?" Alice asks.

I release an unamused laugh and nod my head slowly. "Shouldn't you be in the Great Hall for dinner?"

"I-I'm not so hungry." She stares down at her hands sadly.

I hum, "Uh huh, are you sure your sudden mood change doesn't have to do with the awkward conversation you had with Frank Longbottom this morning?" I raise a challenging eyebrow.

"Nope!" She yells immediately, only furthering my suspicions. I purse my lips and stare knowingly into her brown eyes.

"Alright, yes it is." She cracks under my stare. Works every time. "I really like him you know? I don't even think he notices me. Well, surely he does now that I've embarrassed myself! And I know we're young, oh but don't you believe in love at first sight?"

"I do." I smile at the thought. Though I'm not so sure it's about sight per se. I think it's more of a vibe. Something you feel. An instant connection of sorts.

"Alice, you're a bloody catch!" She smiles at my words. "You're beautiful and kind...don't you worry your pretty little head, everything will work itself out in the end. I truly believe that. You'll get your guy." I tickle her side causing her to giggle.

"You're a really good friend, Chiara." She smiles at me fondly. "The world is lucky to have someone like you in it."

The compliment reaches my heart and my face softens. "Now go eat something! No skipping meals! What would your future husband say about this?" She laughs again when I playfully shove her out the door and down the stairs.

I'm left alone again and my smile falters. I only wish my family thought of me the same way my friends do.


It's near curfew and everyone has either turned in for the night or is lazily lounging around the common room. I find myself doing the latter. I've relieved myself of my studies hours ago and currently stare off into the endless array of orange and yellow flames. I feel my eyelids becoming heavier with every passing second. And just as sleep attempts to snatch me away from consciousness, three boys come stampeding into the room.

"There you are!" James hollers from across the room, looking at me with much intent. "We have to talk." I acknowledge his urgent tone and rub my tired eyes to try to liven myself up.

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