chapter 25

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Violet Irvine is arguably the most underrated student to wander about Hogwarts. Beneath that head of thick blonde hair and bright ocean blue eyes, there's a heart of gold and a mind of steel. She's the brightest witch of our age, alongside Lily of course. It's a wonder she hadn't any friends before me. Lily and her get along wonderfully now though. The rest of the girls do too mind you. Ever since I've brought Violet along to sit with us during meals, the girls have been nothing but welcoming towards her.

Speak of the angel, she's beside me as we speak. Reading, as one could've assumed. I like to refer to her books as her latest conquests, seeing as she goes through them fast as one does tissues.

I slip on my finger-less gloves and hop up off the changing room bench with a bright smile, turning my little body towards the dirty blonde to my right. "Ready to get out there, Vio?"

Her bright eyes tear from the pages in front of her to meet mine and she grins. "You know I am." She regally shuts the book in her lap and sets it aside. I snatch my broom and together we confidently stride towards the exit.

Throwing the door open, I strut out with Violet only a step behind. We make our way toward the centre of the pitch where the rest of the team stand. Robert smiles cheekily at me from across the pitch, "Ladies, how nice of you to finally join us!" He calls in that attractive Scottish accent of his.

I smirk with a wink. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Cap!" I also salute him with my two fingers.

He shakes his head, his smile ever still present before clapping his hands together and putting on his authoritative expression. "First and foremost I'd like to congratulate you all on making the team! This year we're going to train harder, faster and longer. We are going to win the House Cup this year!" Cheers erupt and I join in on the happy screaming. "Now, this is our first practice together so for now all I want is to see what you can do. I want to find out our weaknesses and our strengths as a team. We'll go from there. Any questions?" When no one makes any move to say anything, his wide charming grin finds his lips again, "Lovely. Let's get started then!"

Robert unclasps the box of balls and releases one Bludger, informing Sirius and I to work together in hitting it back and forth. Once the practice comes to a steady stride, Sirius hollers, "Meet up with me at the library later."

We continue hitting the Bludger back and forth with the help of our steel bats. "Sure." I say without hesitation. "What will we do there?"

"Homework." He barks out a laugh, "I thought that much was obvious."

"And here I thought you were inviting me to climb the bookshelves!" I exclaim in an overly dramatic way, looking at him with a glimmer of mischief in my eyes.

His eyes grow wider and he smiles, matching my level of mischief. "That's actually not a bad idea, love. I always knew you were a genius."

I blush at the compliment. To me, compliments just feel different when they're about my mind. "Thanks." I mutter softly, looking away bashfully.

"I'll help you out with your History of Magic." Sirius continues, speaking quieter now but with the same amount of sincerity he always holds when talking to me especially. "We can study together and ace our next assignments."

"I'd like that."


The library is eerily quiet after lunch. I don't like it. No one's around as I wait for Sirius to arrive to keep me company. You'd think the boy would arrive on time considering he's the one that asked me here. But no. Not that I mind, I'm not one to be punctual either, I'm only bored.

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