chapter 14

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"I'm telling you Benny, Hogwarts is the most perfect place to pull pranks!" I grin, speaking animatedly to my enraptured younger brother on our stroll through Kings Cross. "I might even let you in on a few pranks with the boys this year. Maybe." I playfully narrow my eyes at him and his entire expression brightens even more. That is, until Mum intervenes.

"Oh, Benjamin!" Mum swats me away like a bug. "You will do no such thing!" She begins fussing with the collar of Benji's button-up dress shirt and dusts invisible dirt off his shoulders. "I will tolerate one bad seed but not two. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mum." Benjamin mumbles nervously rubbing at his forearm. "I wasn't going to either way, I'm much too afraid of getting in trouble."

"That's my good boy." Mum ruffles his dark hair and offers him a smile. "My goodness, I'll miss you so much! My last baby is off to school!" She begins droning on about her beginning experience back when she was a student at Hogwarts. A story I've heard far too many times to bother paying any attention to.

Dad hovers close to me and whispers, "Watch out for little Benji, yeah? He isn't so great at sticking up for himself like you are."

"Of course, Dad. You know I'll always look after him."

"Everliah, watch over your brother, will you, darling?" Mum says, causing me and Dad to trade amused glances after our little exchange. "And make sure he doesn't spend too much time with this one." She wags a warning finger at me.

"What's wrong with spending time with me?" I ask with a pout. "I happen to think I'm of excellent company."

"Dear, you know exactly what I mean." She pinches the bridge of her nose, annoyance dripping from her before forcing a full toothy smile back on. "Have a good year, my babies! Chiara, don't get into too much trouble. And I expect all O's like last year!"

I roll my eyes as Benji, Everliah and I stalk away from her and Dad. "Yes, Mum."

Once we reach the train, I throw my arm across Benji's shoulders and lead him off to the compartment the boys and I usually occupy. "Benja, would you like to come meet the rest of my friends? You don't have to stay, just come and say hey."

"Of course! James told me all about Sirius so I'd like to see if he's as great as he made him out to be." Benji smiles happily, walking with a slight skip to his step.

"Oh he is! Sirius is the best." I gush.

"I'll see you at school, kids." Everliah offers us a quick wave before parting ways. Upon arrival to the back of the train, I smoothly slide the door open and shimmy my shoulders, "I'm back, baby!"

"Chiara!" The four boys exclaim cheerfully.

"She sure knows how to make an entrance." Sirius smirks in approval.

James immediately rushes towards me and corners me in the tightest hug I've ever been given. "I've missed you, Keeks! It's been too long." He sighs happily nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

"I saw you yesterday." I giggle, though nevertheless hug him back with just as much energy.

"So?" James scoffs. "I still missed you!" He tightens his grip around my waist and lifts me off the ground, swinging me back and forth in the process.

I look over James' shoulder and grin at Peter who suddenly appears rather confused. "What's up, buttercup?"

"Keeks?" He questions with a slight tilt of his head.

I roll my eyes, my smile never leaving my face. "James came up with that one over summer. He thinks it's cute."

"Which it is! No one can tell me otherwise!" James calls back stubbornly, still holding onto me for dear life.

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