chapter 86

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I hate packing and I'm godawful at it. I can't ever seem to get all of my belongings to fit into my trunk. It is for this exact reason that I have Sirius packing my things up for me. I haven't missed the way the other girls give us knowing looks as if this means something, but I ignore them.

I can't deny that I'm appreciating the way he looks putting all of my stuff away. His arms are flexed and strong-looking, and his body is visibly toned under his tight t-shirt. He quickly raises his eyes to meet mine and winks at me before continuing to fold my clothes. I don't even care that he knows I'm staring, I happily soak up my last few moments of him before we have to separate for summer.

A knock sounds at the door and I outwardly groan as I'm broken away from my view. I roll off my bed and swing the door open to come face to face with a timid young Gryffindor girl. "Robert Wood is asking to see you downstairs now."

"Thanks, sweetheart." I smile warmly at her.

She blushes and runs off.

"I'll be right back!" I call out to my friends. I don't wait for a reply as I slip away down the stairs to meet Robert. I find him waiting right at the entrance up to the girls dorms, looking around the room in a bored manner.

He beams as I come into view and he ruffles up his brown hair. "Chiara, good! I'm leaving soon for the graduation ceremony. I wanted to make sure I caught you before you left."

I smile fondly into his warm chocolate brown eyes and take in the last of his handsomely chiseled cheekbones and strong jaw. "Quidditch sure is going to be strange without you next year..." I trail off sadly.

He smirks down at his shoes and his cheeks dust a gentle pink. "Promise you'll give whoever McGonagall appoints captain next year hell for me?"

"You can count on it." I assure him with a smile. As if I wasn't going to in the first place.

He chuckles but his eyes grow sad, "I don't want to say goodbye." I know he isn't only talking about me. We're fond of each other but we aren't close. He's saying goodbye to all of Hogwarts today, the place that's been his second home for seven years of his life.

"Then don't." I state plainly. "I don't fancy goodbyes, Cap. I'll see you again. And give you something to look forward to, how about this; you promise to come to Gryffindor's first game next year. I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't oppose, especially if I have something to say about it."

He grins widely and vigorously nods his head. "Absolutely. Promise." He opens his arms as if asking for a hug and I immediately move in to meet him in one. He cups the back of my head and holds me close to him firm chest.

I let him be the one to pull away when he's ready, and he does so after releasing a shaky breath. I smile up at him and playfully poke his cheek. "First game of the year, don't forget it!"

He plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. "I wouldn't miss it." With that he gathers the last of his dignity and walks away leaving me with a bittersweet smile ghosting my lips.


Summer break hasn't even been in swing for a full minute yet and it's already rocking.

The moment James and I arrive onto the platform after bidding goodbyes to the rest of our friends we are informed of a special surprise Fleamont and Euphemia have for us back at the house.

I look around at our meshed families standing in a huddle on the platform and can't help the flutter of my heart. Euphemia and Mum are discussing some new recipes they've both been dying to try out. Dad is attempting to explain what a record player is to Fleamont, who nods his head though still having no idea what the man is going on about. And Everliah is listening intently to whatever story Benji is recounting.

James nudges me in the side with a wide grin of his own, "It's like we're one big family."

"Yeah, JJ." I smile some more. "...but enough of this sappy show of emotion. I want to know what this big surprise is!" I exclaim, catching the attention of our big family.

"Oh, alright!" Mia smiles at me before facing Mum again. "Stacy, could I borrow your daughter to show her the...well, the you know what?"

They exchange a wordless conversation with their eyes and Mum nods her head instantly. "Of course! You're all coming over for dinner tonight, yes? I'm making pot roast."

Fleamont perks up, "Did someone say pot roast? Oh, we'll be there!" He then claps a hand on Dad's shoulder. "I've also got to see what this mystical music box is that Tom keeps going on about."

"Show him the television, too, Dad!" Benji speaks out.

"Tele-vision?" Fleamont repeats, testing the unknown word out on his tongue. He looks to his wife for some help but Euphemia simply shrugs her shoulders with the same helplessly confused look.

"C'mon, Dad!" James whines, tugging on his father's sleeve. "Keeks and I want to see the surprise already! You all can talk all you want at dinner tonight."

The adults laugh at James in merriment but nonetheless break into groups to Apparate to their respective houses.

I wave a quick goodbye to my parents, knowing I'll see them in just a bit, and Fleamont takes my hand just as Euphemia takes James'. In an instant, the world warps and we're standing in the middle of the Potter Manor. I look around but apart from the aroma of apple-vanilla scented candle meeting my nostrils, nothing's changed. "I don't understand...where's the surprise?" James asks.

"My son, the boy with absolutely zero patience, everybody!" Euphemia cries, only half-jokingly.

"Follow me, Jamesie-my-boy!" Fleamont starts marching exaggeratedly towards the back door with everyone following closely behind. He slides the glass door open and ushers us outside.

"NO WAY!" James squeals like an excited child on Christmas morning. "WE GOT AN IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL?!"

My jaw goes slack and my eyes almost bug out of my head. The slightly evil part of my brain suddenly takes over and I impulsively shove James right into the sparkling pool. He tumbles in rather ungracefully making me laugh out maniacally. I turn my mischievous grin to my next targets.

Euphemia's face turns white and Fleamont smiles down at me fearfully. "Merlin help us what have we done?"

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