Ever since I was just a tot, I've had quite a knack for games and mischief. I'm a bit of a game junky too...okay, a lot bit. Any possible way to have fun and I'm there in a second. I've come to the realization over the years that my liking for pranks and stunts are all on account of rebelling against my mother.
I say mother instead of family because she's really been the one pushing the idea of keeping Ravenclaw alive in our family all these years. While being a former Ravenclaw himself, my father could give two flying sharks about anything that goes on on the matter.
Perhaps if mum were less hard on me I'd have grown up to be different. Possibly a goody-goody.
Like Everliah.
I honestly envy my sister sometimes. Everliah Azalea Holland is perfect in our mother's eyes. Something I'll never be to her. Ravenclaw Prefect, intelligent, beautiful...Ravenclaw. It all boils down to that one thing at the end of the day.
I've come to despise the word more than anything else just because it's a representation of someone I'll never be. I have to work a million times harder than anyone else just get by in my studies. Now attempting at acing them takes so much out of me that I wonder what the point even is to my efforts. Mum hasn't responded to a single one of my letters this entire half-year. The saddest part is that it wouldn't even surprise me if she disowns my sorry self and leaves me to the streets.
Anyway, we've strayed so far away from the principal topic of discussion. Enough of this deep rubbish.
Back to the present. Pranking.
"Everything set?" Peter calls out, jogging over to us after setting up the last of the fireworks.
"Yes, all set! Good work, Pete!" I call back from where I stand on the opposite side of the great hall, grinning happily and holding both of my thumbs up in his direction. Peter matches my grin, big dimples indent his cheeks and his freckled nose scrunches up adorably as he does so.
"Should we do a test run? I mean, we don't wanna botch this, do we?" Remus asks gesturing towards one of the spare fireworks sitting on the table.
"Give it a whirl!" James nods his head, his hair flopping in time with his exaggerated head shakes.
Remus excitedly scrambles over to the spare pile of fireworks and with a flick of his wand, the firework is released. It loops through the air and bursts into sparks of colour.
I gape at the glimmering explosions and breathlessly exclaim, "Oh, it's going to be perfect!"
Sirius throws his arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his side. I cross my arms over my chest and turn my head to face him. He smirks at me proudly and I send him a mischievous look, "Time to put our masterpiece to work..."
During dinner I can barely stay still awaiting Remus' signal to ignite the fireworks. I squirm in my seat, my eyes darting anywhere and everywhere. "How much longer?" I whine.
Remus silences me by holding up his index finger. "Really soon." What he's waiting for I couldn't tell you, but it's Remus. Remus is the mastermind here. We all trust Remus.
What feels like hours later, Remus knocks on the table in the special pattern – the signal we've been waiting for.
Knock knock.
Knock.It's all very dramatic. I suppose we could've just gone with a simple "now" but a dramatic prank requires a dramatic signal. It's basically an unwritten rule any good prankster knows.
Wasting no time, the boys and I whip around towards our assigned corners of the room and flick our wands using just the right swoosh of the wrist.
The many fireworks release into the air above us and the entire student body is whisked into a dreamy daze. Some stay quiet, gaping at the sparkling explosions of colour in absolute astonishment, while others could be heard squealing and chatting happily with their mates.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."