I've been called in for a meeting with Professor Dumbledore again, a meeting that I can only assume has something to do with my whole being-born-under-the-influence-of-Liquid-Luck situation.
I don't even have to knock on the man's office door because it swings open on its own accord the second I step close. Dumbledore smiles brightly at me from behind his desk and motions for me to take the seat in front of him. "Professor Sprout has gifted me some of her homemade fudge." Dumbledore says. "Would you care for some? I can vouch that she's an impressive baker."
"Who am I to refuse some perfectly good fudge?" I grin, happily helping myself to the plateful of chocolate. I swallow a mouthful and eye him, "Sir, um, if this is about what my friends and I attempted that one night..."
He gives me a knowing look. "What I want to discuss with you is concerning you sharing what you can do with just anyone."
I wipe my clammy palms on my skirt. "Well, I've only told my friends."
"It's precisely your friends I'm worried about."
I frown and stiffen in my seat. "I don't understand. I would trust those boys with my life. Same with my girl friends."
"You seem to have become quite friendly with Mr Rosier and the younger Mr Black, is that correct?"
"Yes, but I haven't told –"
"It would be wise to keep it that way." I've never seen him look so serious around me. "This kind of information ending up in the wrong hands is not something I want to see happen."
"I swear I wouldn't tell anyone I didn't trust entirely." I assure him honestly.
"Good," He nods, seemingly satisfied with my response. "As for you taking it upon yourself to drink the potion. That was very reckless."
I shrug my shoulders with a guilty smile. "I know, but I was only curious about what would happen. And I still don't know exactly what did happen. I mean, I turned into a firefly or something!"
He chuckles in amusement. "I believe that when you ingest Felix Felicis yourself, its effects will be immensely heightened."
"This just keeps getting cooler and cooler!"
"I'd like to meet with you weekly starting next year. If you're willing to learn Legilimency and Occlumency, that is."
"As in, read minds?" I ask excitedly.
"Yes, but also blocking people from doing the same to you."
"I'm willing, I want to learn." I state after giving the matter zero thought whatsoever. It isn't as if no good will come out of this. It's a useful skill to have, and I'd be an idiot to not jump at this chance.
"Wonderful!" He smiles. "Well, that's enough pressing matters for one morning. I'll let you get back to your life."
"Enjoy the rest of your fudge!" I call out to him as I exit his office.
The moment I make it down the stairs, I bump right into my brother. "Benja, good! Just the person I wanted to see!" I exclaim, walking beside him in the halls. "Question for you."
"Okay, ask." He laughs.
"What do you think of Regulus?" I say, examining his face for any visible signs of negative emotions toward the Slytherin.
He simply shrugs his shoulders and meets my eyes. "I don't know him well enough to say much. But we've been partners in Potions since last year and he's never been anything but polite to me. He'll ask about my day and I'll do the same. Oh, and he's very smart. We're both top of the class."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
أدب الهواة"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."