Chapter 22

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Rumble's POV

I looked into her amethyst like eyes. Unlike last time they were full of hope, and happiness. Seeing her happy just makes me want to smile for eternity.

However, the situation we are in, makes it difficult to be happy.

"Scootaloo, why did your dad lock me up here with you? Wouldn't it make it easier for both of us to escape?" I asked.

She thought for a while, then just shrugged her shoulders."This room is the only room with a lock." She was very calm and spoke slowly" Or he knows you know and is planning to murder you before you tell anyone else."

"WHAT!!" I screamed. Scootaloo hushed me, and put her hooves over my lips. I felt my face going red again.

"Don't worry, I'll figure a way to get you out of here before, anything will happen to you." She slurred.

Why is she so calm all of a sudden?

"I think I need to sleep now." She said still quite calmly.

"But it's not even that dark outside!" I said.

She shrugged again and fell asleep on the floor right where she was standing.

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor." I said sternly.

She didn't move. I walked up to her. Feeling a sense of de ja vu, when I saw her mane in a mess, and she was gently snoring. But something looked different! There was a strange looking needle like thing sticking out of her neck. It definitely wasn't there before.

I gently pulled it out, and looked at it trying to read what it said.

Suddenly, I felt a light breeze woosh past me. The window was open! How? What? When? Who?

I panicked and shook Scootaloo by the shoulders." Wake up, please wake up." I kept repeating.

She wasn't waking up. Was she dead? What's going on?

"Hello there Rumble." Said a cold yet calm whisper from behind.

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