Chapter 43

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Scootaloo's POV

School starts today, I really wasn't looking forward to it, but as long as Rumble was with me, and Sweetie and Applebloom, then I think I will be fine.

Rainbow went to get my school stuff from my house so I didn't have to face him again, or at least not yet. I was waiting for her outside. It took a while but she finally clambered through the door with my bag and an envelope.
" Hey Scoots, turns out the place is empty, you got nothing to worry about, he's gone." She said smiling, " and this was left in the living room." She said while passing me the envelope. It had my name written on it, I was just about to open it when Rainbow said. "I think you should be getting to school first, or you're going to be late."

I quickly nodded before throwing the bag onto my back and leaping onto my scooter. Before zooming down the now busy street, I gave Rainbow a quick smile.

It only took a few minutes, and luckily the bell still hadn't rung yet, since there were crowds of kids around Diamond Tiara.

I squinted my eyes in attempt to find my friends, but they probably hadn't arrive yet. I decided that there was nothing better to do, so I pushed through the crowd to see what everyone was so fascinated about. My eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of me, Rumble was on the floor covering his tears, whilst Diamond Tiara was spewing insults at the poor colt.

I was fuming what I was witnessing. I stormed over to her to give her a piece of my mind.
"Look, you prissy bit of dog poop, if you ever say anything to Rumble again, you won't be so proud of that pig like face of yours."

She looked at me with smirk, "what are you going to do about it blank flank."

My anger was only growing the more she spoke. Without thinking, I punched with as much force I could. Everypony else was shocked. I looked over at Rumble who was also shocked, but seemed slightly more grateful. I grabbed his hoof to help him up and we walked out of the crowd, to go to class.

"You shouldn't have done that," he whispered, " you're going to get into so much trouble."

"I know, I know, I just couldn't think straight, and it just happened." I sighed. He looked at me hesitantly before saying, "you're eyes... changed colour right before you punched her."

He paused for a second before continuing "they turned red."

I looked at him for a second absorbing the information he gave me, until it hit me. "Just like him".

Hey next chapter will be up soon, I just wanted to let you know that this is based before Diamond Tiara got "reformed". So, I hope no one is too angry. I just feel it wouldn't make sense if she started to be nice to them all of a sudden.

(And I maybe slightly annoyed at that episode anyway but I'd rather not ramble right now)
Anyway, have you guys seen the premiere? If you have tell me what you think of it :)

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