Chapter 38

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Scootaloo's POV

I mentally groaned at whoever it was for ruining the moment.

I never wanted to let go of Rumble, everything is just so much better when it's just me and him. But life has its ways of taking my only happiness at this moment away from me.

Why am I being so dramatic? What is he doing to me?

I finally let go of Rumble and he looked just as disappointed as I was.

We looked over at the not so shy Fluttershy staring at us.

"We've been... Errr" I start but I have no idea what to say.

I look at Rumble for him to say something and save me again.

Urggg I sound like a pathetic stereotypical princess from those fairytales. Waiting for the prince to save me instead of trying to solve my own problems.

But to be honest, being Rumbles princess didn't sound half bad anymore.

He gave me a smile and a quick nod before stepping forward a few steps.

I mentally sighed in relief.
"I went home this morning and Thunderlane told me I could have one more day to spend with Scoots before I went home."

Fluttershy looked at him then to me before smiling slightly. "Okay, but I won't let you wander around on your own, without an adult. Its late!"

I groaned in my head, but at least we weren't going to be split yet. Rumble looked over at me with a confused expression.
I gave him a small nod and a little smile and he returned it back. My heart fluttered a bit, as we walked into the small cottage.

Fluttershy set up a few pillows she uses for her animals, and wished us a good night before turning the lights off.

It was silent and, for once, I liked it this way. It felt comfortable, and just right.

I slowly let my mind drift away, and everything was about to go dark, when a little squeak broke the silence.

Looking over at the source of the sound, I noticed that Rumble was already asleep, but he looked like he was having a nightmare again. His eyes had a few tears running down them.

I quickly walked over to him and gently shook him, to wake him up.
He jolted up and instantly grabbed me into a semi hug.

He calmed down after a minute, another minute of silence, until he broke it.

"Do you remember the first day we became friends?"

I smiled remembering the day.

He gave me a soft smile. "It feels like it's been years since then." He sighed.

"Its only been a few days."

"Yeah, which is why this feels so weird..." His smile slowly faded into a frown.

"What does?" I asked.

He looked nervous and almost guilty when he said it. Like he knew it would hurt me.

"I think I like you..."

Hi... I'll spare the excuses and just say I'm sorry again... Damn my busy life...
I would say I big thanks to anyone who is still reading this, and who have the patience to wait 2 whole months for another update.


Oh by the way happy Halloween... A couple of days ago :)

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