Chapter 24

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Scootaloo's POV
What happened? I don't remember falling asleep!

I opened my eyes. I was tucked up in bed! Then where did... I looked to the floor. Rumble was curled up in a ball, and he was shivering.
How did he convince me to let him sleep on the floor?

Before getting up I checked the clock on the wall, opposite side to my bed, for the time.
Two o'clock!!!
Wow it's late!!

I nudged Rumble, who woke up in an instant.

"Your not sleeping on the floor, buddy." I said.

He lifted his head to reveal red circles around his eyes, had he been crying?!

"Woah, you ok?" I asked he didn't say anything, he just looked away.

"Did I say anything to hurt you? What happened before I went to sleep?" I asked, worryingly.

He huffed and looked away. "Nothing happened!"

Wow, I must have done something bad. He has never talked to me like that! Even when I was horrible to him, he was still nice back to me.

"I know that's a lie. Just tel-" He clinged onto me and started sobbing onto my shoulder.

"If I tell you, he'll kill me" He cried.

"Who wi-"

"-I can't tell you. " He said as he finally let go.

"Ok fine! Don't tell me, at least until we're safe. Ok?"

He quickly nodded, and went back, to sleep on to the floor.

"Like I said before, your not sleeping on the floor." I said sternly and pointed to my bed.

"Neither are you!" He said, almost as stern as me.

I sighed. "Fine, then you take the right and I'll take the left." I said trying to avoid the awkward argument of who's going to take the bed.

"What!!" He screamed.

"Hey, we shared a cloud smaller than this bed before. Don't worry we'll have a wall of pillows in between us." I said calmly.

"Ok" he sighed, his face now completely red.

After a few minutes, we were both in bed a line of pillows separating us.

After saying our good nights, Rumble seemed to fall asleep immediately.

I looked up towards the ceiling, hoping Princess Celestia or Luna could help me, some how!

After a while of thinking I turned to my side to see the familiar face of Rumble, he had tear stains on his fur and one of his hooves was resting on top of the pillow barrier.

He looked so upset! What happened to make him like this?

I felt my heart burn inside! I hate seeing him so upset like this!

I was hesitant at first, but then I gently rested my hoof next to his, just for a second, then brought it back to my side.

"I don't know what's going on but I'll find out tomorrow!" I thought to myself as I slowly fell asleep.

Well we have an official date for MLP FIM: Season 5; April 4th. Yayy!!

Oh yeah sorry for the delay, I've had to a bit of my GCSE's this week. ( I'm not sure whether people in America know what GCSE's are, but basically they're really important exams)
And I also have more of them at the end of this month, so just to give you a heads up, if there isn't a chapter in a while it's because of exams, and don't worry I haven't given up on this book. Next chapter will be up shortly :)

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