Chapter 29

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Rumble's POV
Sounds of punches and shuttered glass kept coming from downstairs. Scootaloo had been sitting on her bed looking at what I thought was a photo of somepony. She looked really worried, which is really confusing. Wouldn't she be happy that she's finally going to be able to escape?
"Are you ok?" I asked, sitting next to her, I got a glimpse at the photo she was looking at before she quickly put it down.
There was a picture of a pink mare, a brown stallion and a little orange filly.
" Yeah, I just hope they don't beat him up too badly." She said sadly, " I know how violent Rainbow can get. Especially when it comes to anyone who messes with her friends and family. And a griffin...?" Her voice was getting high pitched.
"Well, at least he won't be able to hurt you ever again, right?" I said.
" Yeah but I was always hoping that maybe he would change and everything could go back to how it use to be... I mean he didn't do anything to hurt me in a while other than lock me in here, and he didn't do anything to hurt you either-"
"Oh, um... He did kinda..." I started but was interrupted by Scootaloo, who's whole mood changed completely.
"What did he do to you?" She shouted.
I was shocked, " You remember how last night I was acting... different. Your dad told me that if I didn't start acting mean to you then he would kill me... or something like that." I explained nervously.
She looked like she was ready to kill someone.
She grabbed the photo she was holding and threw it angrily towards the window, it made a small hole in the glass. " I should have known he wouldn't change! I should have known he would do this again and again. Now he not only hurt me, but is starting to hurt my friends! That's it!" She shouted angrily.

I quickly jumped out of the way as she started throwing more stuff out of the window, until there was no glass left on the window.
She then grabbed something from under her bed, it was a scooter, but it looked quite old and rusty.
Through out her whole rage, I kept quiet. I didn't know what to do or say. But I knew that if I spoke then it would make her anger worse. She sat down for a second and started breathing slower, tears formed in her eyes.
"You... fly ahead, I'll be... right behind..." She said sniffing every now and then.
" Ok?" I said not understanding what she was planning.
I flew up and out the window, I looked down at all the things she through out, they all had been shattered. The photo frame was shattered and the picture inside was torn in half.
I landed next to it, and looked at it for a second and immediately recognised the orange fill as Scootaloo and the brown stallion was her father, but he seemed at lot... nicer in the picture. I didn't recognise the mare, but I guessed it was her mom.
After I decided to step away from the mess and wait for Scootaloo a bit further away from the house.
About a minute later Scootaloo finally came out through her window riding her rusty scooter. She must have put some sort of ramp against the window or something, but she quickly landed next to me and with a swift move turned it around to face the house.

"That was awesome.!" I gasped, but she completely ignored me and galloped towards the house.
I ran after her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid.
I had no idea what she was planning, but I knew this wouldn't end well...

Wooh, new chapter. I'm sorry this one may seem a bit rushed. But I really wanted to update!
I turned 15 yesterday, which doesn't feel much different from being 14 but its still... something. :)

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