Chapter 37

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Rumble's POV

We walked in silence to the bridge, but it wasn't an awkward silence.

Once we finally got there Scootaloos eyes lit up, as she remembered the last time we were here.

The view seemed a bit brighter being reflected off her eyes. It was difficult to look away from them. She didn't even realize I was looking at her. She was too caught up in the beautiful view in front of her.

"Remember when we last came here? When we decided to be friends?" She said her eyes still glued onto the scene in front of her.

I just nodded.

I decided to finally look away, I concentrated on the scene, trying not to look back at her but it was almost impossible, I felt like I couldn't control what I was doing. I give her one glance and noticed she was looking at me.
We both quickly looked away back at the scene.

"Its beautiful!" She said.

"Yeah you are." I said, completely lost control with what I was doing or saying anymore.

She blushed looking down. " No I'm not." She said sounding almost sad.

"Why do you think that?" I asked. I wouldn't expect her to be insecure out of all ponies.

"Well, compared to Sweetie Belle or even Diamond Tiara I look like some sort of deranged carot. " she said. "I mean its not like I care what I look like." She said trying to smile.

But by now I can see through any of her fake smiles.

"To be honest I prefere your natural beauty than the piles of makeup she has to wear and the hours she spends on her hair for her to look 'beautiful'." I said. " I mean it didn't even take you a second to do your hair, and I think it looks a lot cuter than hers!"

She was really surprised with what she was hearing. Its like no ones ever called her beautiful or something.

After a while of silence she finally pulls me into a hug but instead of the normal friendly side hugs, she had both her hooves around my neck and her head resting on my shoulder.

My heart was racing. I nervously hugged back.

After a few seconds I pull away and looked at her. She really didn't think she was beautiful.
She looked like she was about to say something but went quiet.

"Rumble? Scootaloo?" I heard somepony shout from behind. "Where have you two been?"

I'm sorry on behalf of myself for posting this. I feel like its really cringy but I mean they're around 13-14 in this book so I can't really make them do much. :/

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