Chapter 10

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Rumble's POV

As soon as I dropped Scootaloo off at the library, I flew back to check on my brother, I saw him while me and Scoots were flying over. Sure anough I found him where I last saw him.

"Oh hey Rumble. " Thunderlane said smiling.

Seeing him smile again made me sooooo happy.

"Hey, what's up? I haven't seen you this happy in a while." I smile back.

"Cloudchaser and I are finally back together again. " He looked like he was going to burst with happiness. " By the way, I saw you fly past and you were holding somepony." He started wiggling his eyebrows (do ponies even have eyebrows?)

"Oh that was Scootaloo, she's just a friend." I say.

"Sure, just a friend." he says sarcastically.

Urgghh why is he so annoying? Me and Scoots will never be more than friends, will we?

Rainbow Dash' POV

Silence was all I heard, darkness was all I could see. I felt like I was slowly going insane. They kept me away from my friends in a completely separate room. This is all thanks to Guilda.
I hate her soo much. I can't believe all this has happened. It's all her fault... and mine. I should have kept it in, but I couldn't help it. She makes me so angry.

My eyes were saw from crying for 2 days straight. I hope everyone else was alright, especially Scootaloo. I feel like I've completly abandoned her. Sighing, I rest my head on the cold, dark wall.

The silence was broken by a creaking sound, as a ray of light escaped into the room. My ears perked up as I gave a sigh of relief. My friends must of found a way to get us out of here.

But my face turned back into a frown when I saw who it really was.

"Guilda? what are you doing here?" I ask, turning around to face the wall.

"I came here to... apologise!" She said.

I couldn't believe it. She's never apologised to anyone, even back when she seemed nice.

I turn my head, around she really did look sad and was she... crying?

" I'm so sorry dash, for everything. I know you won't forgive me but I wanted you to know I'm truly sorry." she screamed. Her cries echoed around the room.

I didn't really know how to respond.

"I'm not sure if I can forgive you. I mean, I've been trapped in here for two days because of this silly argument. But if I stay here alone any longer, I'll probably lose my sanity. So consider yourself lucky." I say, smiling slightly."But I need you to do something for me ... "
Sooooo sorry I haven't been updating. School is keeping me busy. But hopefully I won't be busy this week so I'll try to update as regularly as I can ;)

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