Chapter 15

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Scootaloo's POV

My heart stopped, when I heard that voice. I didn't dare turn my head around. All I did was just stand there, hoping that maybe if I didn't I didn't see him he wouldn't see me.

"Scootaloo I've spoken to the doctor, your coming with me." The threatening voice of my dad said.

I finally turned my head around, while I held back the tears forming in my eyes. I knew he would find me here if I stayed any longer.

Rumble looked so confused but at the same time shocked. I need to get him away from here before my dad does anything to him.

" Rumble, run away. Don't worry I'll be fine." I whispered in hopes Rumble would just forget everything I said before and carry on believing that my life was perfect.

But sadly he didn't. "No you won't, I'm staying until I know your safe." He said.

Dammit Rumble, nows not the time to be a hero.

But for some strange reason, when he said that, for a moment I felt safe like he could fix all my problems, but then reality hit me.

" Scootaloo, I said we're leaving." My dad said impatiently.

I quickly took a glance back at Rumble, "bye." I said before climbing on my dad's back.

I stared back in disbelief as my dad took off and flew quickly out of the hospital.

I knew exactly what was going to happen as soon as we got home, but as long as everyone else was ok, I didn't care.

Rumble's POV

There was no way I was going to let Scootaloo get hurt again. She's already been through so much already.

I quickly but quietly follow them. I flew as fast as I could but I couldn't catch up. They quickly disappeared behind a building.  I couldn't see which direction they went in.
They have probably gone back to Scootaloo's house. I thought to myself.

While trying to remember where Scootaloo's house was, I forgot to look ahead. Crash!

My vision was kinda blurry for a few seconds. I don't know what I crashed into but it definitely wasn't a pony.

"Watch where your going dweeb."

OMG, over 1.2K reads! Thank you so much for reading this far.
With the christmas holidays coming soon I should probably have a lot more time on my hands, so I might be able to update faster.

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