Chapter 27

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Scootaloo's POV

Shame I had to use the guilt trip eyes on him, but I knew he wouldn't talk if I didn't.
"When I was little, around a year or so old, my mom and dad left me and my brother at the orphanage." He started, he wouldn't look at me, like he was ashamed or something.

" I don't remember a thing about our parents, all I could remember was a few ponies my brother was friends with at the orphanage and I remember moving to somewhere else but they all were still there. I remember Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash but the rest were all just a blur. I remember Fluttershy use to take care of me, and that Rainbow Dash would hang out with my brother a lot!
The one thing I can remember clearly was that every night when everyone was gone he would cry. I didn't know why, but he would.
One night he came back a little differently, Rainbow Dash was there and she was shouting at him, then my brother said something and she ran out of the room, instead of crying he started shouting. He turned around to me and said something along the lines of 'This is your fault. Mom and dad wouldn't have left us if it wasn't for you..' I cant remember anything else about my life before we moved to Ponyville, well at least until yesterday." He exclaimed in one breath. He looked at me, and then sighed. " I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore."

" Why would I not want to be friends with you anymore? " I asked with confusion.
He looked at me strangly then said "Because my brothers Thunderlane, you know, the reason why no one else trusts me!"
" I knew that before, and I know about the rumours!" I said.
He looked at me, his whole facial expression changed, he hugged me smiling " I thought you wouldn't trust me if u told you."

I smiled and hugged him back. "If I judged you because of what your brother did, it would be like you judging me because of my..." there was a loud bang. It sounded like my front door had just been knocked down. Me and Rumble both rushed to look out of the window.
My jaw dropped when I saw who was standing outside...

Yayy, next chapters out. So how has everyone been enjoying season 5. I know I have :) I especially liked the last episode, and Rainbow Dash's voice sounded amazing :)

Yeah I'm just stalling because I have nothing to say right now...

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