Chapter 36

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" So how many things did we accomplish today?" He asked while preparing to bring the cloud down.

" About 8 or 9" I replied.

" Wow. I think thats enough for a day." He said, the tone of his voice was a bit lower and he didn't look as happy or exited as two minutes ago.

" Are you ok?" I asked.

" Yeah, just not looking forward to this ending." He said as the cloud started going downwards.

"Yeah me neither, but at least we know Miss Cheerilee won't give us too much homework so we can hang out and do things like this all the time." I said.

He paused and stopped moving the cloud before floating back up and quietly landing in front of me. " Will we still be friends by the time school starts?" He asked.

I stared at him for a few seconds trying to take in what he just said. I could tell he was being serious by the sheer terror in his eyes.
"Of course we are. Why would you think we weren't?."
He seemed a bit more relaxed after.

" I'm not sure! I guess I feel like this is going way too well to last."

Maybe he's right...

" Well whatever will happen in the future doesn't consern me now! The only thing we should care about right now is what's happening right now!"

He nodded. " Yeah! I guess I'm just scared of losing you." He said calmly, before going completely red after realizing what he just said. " You know becau..."

" Yeah me too!" I said smiling at him.
He seemed to have gone even redder than Big Mac.

Rumble's POV

I can't believe I said that! I can't believe she said that!

Looking at her, she seemed to not think much of it. Then why does this matter so much to me?

I took a deep breath and hoped I didn't look too red. She looked at me with concern, but then she let out a little giggle.

I tried to keep a straight face, and get back to the conversation we were having, but I couldn't help but start laughing too!

After about a minute of laughing about nothing we finally managed to calm down.

" So are you going to stay at the clubhouse tonight or are you going back to your house? " she asked.
the thick trees of Sweet Apple Acres.

I really should just go back home but I can't help but feel slightly annoyed with my brother and these constant nightmares haven't helped.
"No I'm staying with you!" I said a little to sternly.
She nodded but looked afraid. Did I scare her!
"I'm sorry!" I said quietly.
Her look softened and looked alot more calmer and she gave a quick smile before jumping off the cloud with her scooter, and skidding sideways until she came to a hault.

"I'm not in the mood to race," she said, "Can we go back to the bridge near fluttershys house?"
"Sure!" I said a bit shocked that she wanted to just walk.

Hope you liked this chapter the next one will be up in a minute ;)

And its literally been a year since I uploaded the first chapter. Woooohh! Hopefully I can finish this before summers over then you won't have to wait too long for updates :3

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