Chapter 8

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Spike's POV

"...then zap unleashed a..." I was interrupted by a slam I look to see Scootaloo grab me and run out. I think we were heading towards Sweet Apple Acres.

" What are you doing? Where are you taking..." I was then tossed to the ground. Why do ponies keep doing this to mee??

Applebloom helps me up and I brush myself off. Suddenly a flash of pink and yellow pinned me down. I look up to see Fluttershy?

"Spike!!! Thank goodness. Quick our friends need help. We need to write a letter to Princess Celestia." She said. This was the loudest I've ever heard her talk.

" Woh woh woh. What happened to our friends? Are they ok?" I ask a little worried.

Fluttershy's POV

"Well, we were sent to the Griffin Kingdom to help with the parade to celebrate 100 years of peace between ponies and griffins  ..."

On the train...

I was scared. Last time I actually talked to a griffin she made me cry.

As if she read my mind, Pinkie Pie said "Don't worry we won't let anyone hurt you and I'm sure the other griffins are not a meany pants like Guilda." I smiled and whispered "Thanks".

We finally arrived to the Griffin Kingdom. It was absolutely beautiful. The flowers were twice the size of the ones in my garden and trees were a beautiful shade of green. There were birds and butterfly's ...

My thoughts were interrupted but a loud scream. It sounded like Rainbow Dash. I turned around to see her arguing with... Guilda?! what's she doing here. I hope she doesn't try to ruin the parade.

I run over to try and separate them but Guilda grabs me by the shoulders, her claws digging into my skin, and throws me across the street. It started to bleed where she were her claws were.

This seemed to have pulled Rainbow's trigger because after Guilda did this, Rainbow dash pinned her to the ground and started punching her. This bought a bit of attention and a croud of angry griffins started to form around Rainbow Dash and Guilda.

We tried tried to separate them, even a few Griffins tried to help but it was no use.

"you two stop, this is ridiculous..." Applejack said.

Out of nowhere a griffin decided to punch Applejack who tried to walk away but a few other griffins surrounded her and the others. Soon all the griffins were trying to attack all the ponies. They teared down the decoration and all the banners and posters.

I tried to fly away and hide but I was stopped by Twilight.

" Go! get help! tell Princess Celestia what happened she'll know what to do."  So I flew away as fast as I could I stopped to check if anyone was following me. But all I saw was all my friends and a few other ponies who lived there being pulled away towards the castle and one of the griffins spray painted on the castle a drawing of a few ponies in a cage surrounded by a few happy griffins. I can't believe all this happened because of a silly argument.

*Flashback over*

Spike finnished writing the letter and sent it.

I was in tears, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were trying to comfort me but they looked soo scared. I couldn't blame them their sisters are in a lot of trouble. However, Scootaloo looked more angry than scared and ran off

Scootaloo's POV

I can't believe it. She promised me she would take me under her wing, but now she's gone and got herself into trouble. I can't take living with my dad anymore. Now, I'm gonna be all on my own...

Omg 'Rainbow Rocks' is finally out and I reallyyyy want to watch itt but it won't show it in England . Now I have to wait until someone put it on YouTube or something.

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