Chapter 9

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Scootaloo's POV

I walked to my house on the other side of Ponyville. This is going to be the last time I will walk into here. Sighing, I walked in and quietly sneaked into my living room.

There lay a light brown stallion with blue hair, my dad. If only he looked this peaceful when he was awake.

After I checked my dad was asleep, I walked upstairs to my room and looked around. It's hard to believe this is the cleanest room in the house.

I packed my saddle bag, a few bits, pillow, blanket, my posters...

The light from my window slowly started to dim. It's now or never.

I take a deep breath and start walking downstairs.The smell of alcohol was getting stronger and stronger.

I checked the living room to see if my dad was still asleep, but he was gone. My heart was racing. Where did he go?

Suddenly, felt somepony breathing on to me. I turn my face quickly to see blood red eyes piercing into my soul.

"Where do you think your going?" My dad said slurring slightly.

He tried to grab me but I dodged it, searching around for something breakable. I was finally going to fight back after five years of pain and the constant reminder that I was the reason my mum was dead.

I quickly grabbed a bottle off the floor and smashed it against his head. He fell to the floor. Everything went quiet. Tears were streaming down my face as I grabbed my bag and ran outside.

This is the fastest I've ever run in my life, and it wasn't helping the pain in my head. I started to run faster and faster. The faster I ran the more my head hurt. As I got to the centre of the town, I started to slow down.

Even though it was still quite early, the town was empty. Only a few pegasi were flying around pulling clouds. It looks like it's going to rain tonight.
Great, just great!!

I didn't even think about were I'm going to stay for tonight. I looked around.
I could always stay in the clubhouse but that will be the first place he will look for me and he's seen both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle before but he's never seen Rumble (I think) so I could stay round his but I don't know where he lives.

Sighing hopelessly, I walk on to wherever my feet will take me. I stop when I see a river. It wasn't the same one me and Rumble were looking at yesterday. It was a lot smaller.

The moon was blocked by a thick layer of clouds and it was raining lightly. I couldn't tell what time it was but it seemed quite late. I continued staring at the river, it looked so dark and bland.

"What are you doing out here?" I heard someone say.

I turned around, it was Spike.

"I... errr... couldn't sleep." I lie.

"Me too." he started walking so I followed him. "I'm just a bit worried that Twilight won't come back and I'll be left all alone." he sighed.

I knew exactly how he felt.

" Don't worry, I'm sure they will come back and even if they don't, you have us; the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Fluttershy." I said.

I realised that the same goes for me. Even if Rainbow Dash doesn't come back I still have all my friends.

"Thanks Scootaloo." he smiled "I think I'll go back home now, it's really late."

I nodded and said "yeah... er... me too."

I started walking back to the bridge, when it stuck me. "Spike..." I called. He turned around. "... Can I stay in the library with you ... Just for tonight."

" Sure" he said " I did feel quite lonely in there." "Thanks" I smiled.

Sorry I haven't updated in ages I've been revising for my exams this week and haven't had much time.
Please read @RainbowDashie14 story called 'The next main six'. It's amazing and deserves a lot more reads and votes.

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