Chapter 12

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Scootaloo's POV

Urgghh. Why couldn't I keep it in a bit longer? Why am I so weak?

The door creaked open. I heard two ponies walk in.

"Hey Scootaloo, it's us Sweetie Belle and Applebloom." I heard somepony say. It sounded like Sweetie Belle.

I couldn't open my eyes still but I could talk. I just didn't want to talk to the doctor.

"Hey" I grumble.

"How did this happen?" Applebloom asked.

"Oh I crashed into a tree while on my scooter and hit my ..." I was interrupted by Applebloom saying " Not that...the cuts and the bruises."

"They couldn't have been caused by the crash" Sweetie Belle added.

Sighing, I turned my head away from them and looked out the window. I don't know why but I really didn't want to tell them about my dad and what's really been going on.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said slowly.

"We understand but if you tell us maybe we could help you."

I knew they were right but I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"Can we talk about this later though. We've already got a lot to worry about. I don't wanna cause any more problems." I say slurring slightly.

"Mhm" I think they saw how I upset I was so they changed the subject.

"Don't worry about what we're going to do fer our cutie marks. We promise we won't start anything till you get out from here."

I smiled. I honestly couldn't care less about this right now but even talking was quite tiring so i just went with it. We continued talking about cutie marks and stuff until they left.

I was finally alone. But then I heard the door open again.

"Who is it now?" I mumbled and managed to slowly open my eyes.

My vision was a bit blurry but I could still tell who it was.

Rumble's POV

I slowly walked through the door and saw Scootaloo lying in a bed. She slowly opened her eyes, she seemed quite calm and happy.

"Hey Rumble" Scootaloo said smiling.

Her smile didn't look fake like it usually did. It looked kind of natural and ... cute.

"How are you feeling" I whispered.

"A bit better."

I just nod and sit down on a chair right next to her bed. The room was completely silent for a while until Scoots broke it.

"Where did you go after you dropped me off at the library yesterday?"

I completely forgot to go back to check if everything was ok after I went to see my brother. I guess I was happy to have my brother back.

"Oh, I saw my brother was really happy, while we were flying to the library. So I went to check out why." I say

"Is your brother not usually happy?" She asked.

"He hasn't been for the past few weeks since he broke up with Cloudchaser. He wouldn't even talk to me. That's why I was outside that night." I say.

" Oh, my dad use to be like that when my mother died... but after some time instead of getting over it he... became depressed and an alcoholic" She stopped. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to." I smile in hopes that she wouldn't start crying.

I hate seeing people I care about cry. It makes me feel like crying too.

"Thanks." She said wiping away her tears.

I was a bit confused at what I did but I smiled and nodded.

"I feel like such a baby. I've been crying so much lately." She sighed.

She looked down in disappointment. I couldn't understand why. She's obviously been keeping all this inside for a while. You could see it in her eyes, they were screaming out in pain.

"Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it means you've been strong for too long" I said. Remembering seeing that somewhere.

She smiled. Her light purple eyes were glistening because of the light coming from the window reflecting off of them.

I felt heat rushing to my face again. Now I know I'm blushing. Quickly, I turn my head to the other direction, hopefully she doesn't notice.

Just then, the door swings open to reveal the doctor.

Scootaloo quickly whispers into my ear, "Remember, I can't talk yet."

"So how is the patient doing?" He asked looking down at a notebook of some kind.

" She's fine, but still can't talk." I lied.

" I see, I just came to ask Scootaloo about why her parents are not answering the phone. But we will have to wait until you can talk again." He sighed and closed the door roughly.

Scootaloo jumped out of bed and started to panic.

"Quick you need to help me come up with a lie. They can't find out about my dad..."

Why does she have to lie so much. She creating more and more problems for herself.

"Why don't you just tell the truth." I say.

She stopped. Her head was facing the other direction so I couldn't tell what she was feeling. I was slightly scared, wondering what was going through her mind.

"So you expect me to tell the doctor that my father abuses me almost everyday because I killed my own mother. And that the reason why he isn't answering is because I might have possibly killed him too." She cried.

I just stood there processing what I just heard. I couldn't believe it.

"There, you happy now that I've told the truth."

She said in a high pitched sarcastic voice. "Can you leave me alone now, I need to think up a lie and a way to get out of here."

I have nothing to say but thanks for reading this far. I know I'm not a really good so I really appreciate your patience :)

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