Chapter 21

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Scootaloo's POV
Yes, I was annoyed. Annoyed at myself for being so weak.
Annoyed at Rainbow Dash for getting herself locked up in a griffin dungeon.
Annoyed at my dad for not quiting alcohol, even though he knows it's doing him and me so much harm.
Annoyed at Spike for taking me to hospital, even though I didn't want to or need to go.
Annoyed at Rumble for ... trying to save me. I mean he could have actually come up with a plan before getting himself into this mess, but he was trying to help.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and turned to face Rumble. He was staring at me, but when he noticed I looked at him, he quickly blushed and turned away to look outside at the sun slowly setting.

"Rumble, I'm... Sorry for shouting at you... I've just a bit... annoyed lately." I apologised.

He smiled and nodded, "I understand!"

His smile made my heart flutter, I couldn't hold back my smile. I don't know why, it just makes me feel all warm inside.

Urgghh... If I think about my "feelings" any more I'm going to make myself throw up.

To get my mind off of this, I decided to go and prepare the room, just in case my dad tried to get in and hurt Rumble or myself in the middle of the night. I did see a lot of drinks in the kitchen. Which means he will probably be staying at home tonight, whatever he has planned I'm gonna do my best to keep him away from Rumble. It's my fault he's in this mess in the first place.

I pushed my drawer in front of the door, and closed the purple curtains. The room was really dark.

I felt something rush towards me and grab my hoof. I assumed it was Rumble, since there's no one else here. He was shivering like a chihuahua.

" Rumble are you ok." I asked.

" Oh yeah, it's just dark and... I can't see so I'm just going to... hold your hoof so... I don't get lost." He quivered.

I rolled my eyes and giggled understanding the situation.

"If your afraid of the dark you can just tell me."

," Of course not, why would I be afraid of the dark, only scaredy ponies are afraid of the dark." He said nervously.

"Well, I guess I'm a scaredy pony, or at least I used to be."

"No your not a scaredy pony, I am." He sighed."I am scared of the dark which is weird because I like the night more than the day, and I'm not afraid of walking alone at night, but when it's pitch black, I just... get scared, I grab on to the first pony I see. It's become a habit."

I looked at him, for a bit. Just letting it all sink in. He seemed really upset about telling me something like this. Why would he? Is he afraid I'll judge him or something?

"Hey, don't worry, everypony has fears. I used to be scared of the spooky stories Rainbow Dash use to tell me." I stopped, remembering how hard it was to tell Rainbow about how it felt. I knew exactly how Rumble felt." I never told her about them, until Luna came to me in my dreams and told me to face my fears. So I did."

I couldn't exactly see, but I think he was quite relieved, since he loosened his grip on my hoof.

"There's a lamp on my desk over there. I'll just go turn it on." I said trying to walk off. But Rumble didn't let go, so we both slowly tried to walk towards my desk to find my lamp and a match, without tripping on anything. Soon enough, we made our way to what looked like my desk, and I managed to turn on my lamp.

I turned back at Rumble, he was smiling at me again.

Sometimes, I wish you could always be happy so I can see that smile, I don't know why but it keeps me all warm inside, and I feel so safe from the world.
Urggg what is up with me lately. Maybe it's because I banged my head. Yes, that's it, it's not like I'm falling for Rumble or anything. Just all in my head.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
OMG I just watched the season 5 trailer on YouTube, now I really can't wait for season 5 :D

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