Chapter 26

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Scootaloo's POV

I was awake, but my eyes were still closed. I was just hoping that everything that has happened, was just a bad dream, that Rainbow Dash is fine, and my dad isn't an alcoholic, that I'll be able to see my friends today.

But sadly when I opened my eyes, the window was locked, the door was blocked by a wardrobe, and Rumble was snoring gently beside me...and hugging my hoof.

I would try to move it away but it's the only thing that's keeping me calm, right now.

All my thoughts were driving me insane!

" I'm sorry Thunderlane." I heard Rumble cry, I think he was having a nightmare, but he seemed too calm and peaceful.

I decided to wake him up anyway, he might actually tell me what's going on now! I gently shake him with my other hoof.

"Woah, what? Where am I? " he said while he stretched and yawned. It took him a minute to finish stretching and actually realise where he was.

"Oh." He sighed to himself.

" Are you ok? You looked like you were having a nightmare " I asked concerned.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just dreaming about... something that happened years ago. I'm use to dreams like that!" He said nervously, avoiding eye contact.

I didn't believe he was fine. He got me to fess up, I'll get him to fess up.

Rumble's POV
"It doesn't seem like your use to it." She started sternly. " Do you wanna talk about it? It really does help, if something's bothering you!"

I really did want to, and I trust Scootaloo won't tell anyone else, but what if the only reason she actually talks to me is because she doesn't know Thunderlane is my brother or hasn't heard the 'rumors'. And if she finds out she'll avoid me like the rest of the school.
I just can't afford to lose her!

"No, I'm fine! " I said quickly and turned away, because I knew if she saw my face she'd know I was lying.

"Oh, ok. I understand." She said, she sounded disappointed. "I guess we weren't as close as I thought! You can't even tell me about a dream you had..."

I feel bad now... wait is she trying to guilt trip me...
I turned back around, Scootaloo looked at me, her pupils growing and her smile widening.
My heart melted. "Ok, ok I'll tell you." I screamed. My eyes were closed tightly.

When I opened them Scootaloo was already sitting down next to me, with a triumphant look on her face.

I hope she doesn't do that ever again!

I know it's been a month since I've updated but like I said a few chapters ago I've had soo many tests and exams. But now their all finally over. I can consentrate more on continuing this fanfic.
Hopefully I'll be updating quite often now :3

And also if you don't mind checking out my art book, a lot of people have been doing these and my friend suggested I should too. My art isn't very good but hopefully I'll improve :)

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