Charter 35

575 20 8

Scootaloo's POV
Another day! But today I have this weird feeling inside. I turn to my side to see that Rumble was already awake and was staring at his hooves.
"Morning!" I said, my voice sounded like a dying frog, but I didn't care.
He jumped, before nervously replying "Morning."

I noticed dark circles under his eyes.
"How long have you been awake?" I asked while trying to actually get up.

" Um, a few minutes!" He said.

I gave him my 'your not fooling anyone' look, before he replied, "At least three hours."

I could tell by the sad look on his face that he probably had the same nightmare again.

"How about we try to forget about everything that upsets us and actually have a fun day." I said trying to sound enthusiastic at 7am.

He looked and seemed alot happier after half an hour.

His smile just lightened my mood up.

"Now what's first on the list?" I asked Rumble, who was holding the list.

He cleared his voice before saying, "Pull revenge prank on Snips and Snails."

We both giggled evilly rubbing our hooves together.
"This will be so much better than the one he pulled on you!" I said and attempted to do an evil cackle!
Today was going to be a great day!


"Are you sure about this Scootaloo?" Rumble said nervously.

"Trust me this will be awesome!" I reply confidently.

He didn't look so sure. "Don't worry, I'm practically an expert at daredevil-ish stuff like this plus if something goes wrong, you have wings." I hoped that would be anough to keep him positive.

We both quickly looked down, poking our head over the cloud we were sitting on, gulping at how high up we were.

I took a deep breath internally counting to three. Backing to the other side of the cloud, before taking another deep breath. I nodded at Rumble, to let home know I was ready, he nodded back.

"Three, two, one... Now!!" I jumped off the edge, swiftly landing on the ramp placed under the cloud.
I closed my eyes as I slid down the ramp til I got to the bottom and grabbed the scooter as I slid passed it making my way to the other end of the ramp, and right when I was airborne I got into the usual position I am in when I'm on my scooter, and with one swift move managed to turn it around and shot right back up into the sky and landed on the cloud I was on before.

Rumble was speechless... I think. I mean he was looking at me then the ramp and then back at me again.

" So was I awesome or what?" I said confidently.

" You were amazing!! How was tha.... Whaa?"

I felt my face warming up. Even the simplest of compliments get me arggh.

" T-thanks" I squeeked out, trying to ignore those thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :)

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