Chapter 7

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Fluttershy's POV

Fly faster Fluttershy, fly faster. I needed to get help. It felt like I've been flying for hours but I could see Ponyville in the distance.

Just as I was going past Sweet Apple Acres I felt my wings starting to sting. My wings weren't use to flying this fast for so long. Knowing I couldn't go any further, I tried to slow down but I couldn't control my wings. They shut tightly as if something was holding them down.

I was plummeting to the ground. Even though I landed on something soft, the pressure was too much and everything went black.

I woke up to see Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Rumble looking at me. But they looked terrified. I look down and realised all my scars from the fight had started bleeding again.

Remembering why I was here I got up a bit shaky, but I could manage.

" Girls have you seen Spike?" I asked. "I need him to write a letter to the princess."

"No, but he'll probably be in the library." Applebloom said still looking scared.

I ran as fast as I could but it wasn't fast enough because Scootaloo caught up with me.

"What's going on Fluttershy?" she cried.

"I'll tell you as soon as we find Spike"

She nodded and bolted off. I stop to catch my breath and to let the girls and Rumble catch up. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stop next to me but Rimble keeps going, he's probably trying to catch up to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo's POV

I have to find Spike. I need to know what's happened and if Rainbow's is alright. All of a sudden, I felt myself getting lifted up by a pair of light grey hooves.

Rumble's face was as red as an apple. I couldn't be that heavy.

I was so thankful to know that we would be at the library soon.

When we get there, Rumble drops me in front of the door and flies off without saying another word. A wide smirk covering his face.

"What's he up to?" I think to myself and quickly burst into the library. Spike looked shocked and confused but I grabbed his claw and galloped towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Umm... I don't really have anything to say sooo... hi?

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