Chapter 17

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Rumble's POV

A pare of amber eyes looked me up and down.

"You look very familiar." It said.

I couldn't say the same for it. I have no idea what this creature is, but it looks terrifying.

"I...errr," was all I could say.

The only thing I could think of was fly, fly away before its too late.

Quickly, I turn around to fly away, but instead I crashed into somepony else. This time I knew it was a pony.

"Woah, careful Rumble. Watch where your going." Said the familiar voice of my brother.

"Sorry, I was just ..."I started, but was interrupted by my brother screaming "Guilda!? What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey, Elane," Guilda teased," Long time no see."

Thunderlane looked down, like he was embarrassed or sad. Maybe a mixture of both?

Guilda saw this too, " Oh yeah, we agreed not to call you that," She hung her head.

"Yeah, yeah. It's been too long since we last saw each other, or the rest of the gang." He smiled.

I was really confused at what was going on. How did this creature know my brother? What gang?

Thunderlane must have noticed my completly blank expression...

" Hey G, remember little Rumble...?"  He said enthusiastically.

Guilda's eyes grew wide. "Wait, this is Rumble... Oh my Celestia... I feel old." She sighed.

Thunderlane let out a chuckle. I was still confused.

But they seemed to be in their own little world talking about their past. Come to think of it, Thunderlane never did tell me much about his past. Whenever, I asked him about anything to do with his childhood he would always change the subject.

I always thought it was because he didn't want to remember mom or dad but what if he's hiding something.

Why would he hide something from me? Doesn't he trust me?
Wow I'm starting to sound like a teenaged girl, with coltfriend problems!

"Hey Thunder? Why do you never tell me about when you were my age? Like about what you use to do..." I asked hesitantly.

Thunderlane let out a sigh of defeat, but turned back to face Guilda "You were right G, you and Rainbow Dash. We couldn't keep it a secret from him for longer."

Guilda nodded giving him a knowing look.

"We told you so..."

So it's been like a month since I've last updated...
I'm so so sorry. My teachers think I have nothing better to do other than homework . But I'm back, and hopefully I'll be able to update a few chapters today :)

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