Chapter 16

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Scootaloo's POV

I wasn't expecting this at all. My dad just locked me in my room, no torturing questions, no pain, just locked in my room.

It was strange even when we walked in he seemed quite calm, he even cleaned up the bottles of beer, cider or any other alcohol, that use to lie on the floor.

And his eyes changed colour, from red to magenta. They seem to do that all the time. Usually when he's angry his eyes are red, but the rare moments he calms down and acts like he use to, they're magenta. It's like he's under some type of spell...

The house was quite warm and the smell of alcohol wasn't that strong. But, I could still see a stack of bottles in the kitchen, as we passed it to walk upstairs.

When we did he lead me to my room. Before he closed and locked the door he whispered something but I couldn't tell what it was. It sounded like "Please don't leave me." But why would he say that to me? Doesn't he hate me?

After all that, all I could hear was the sound of light sobbing.

" I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry." He kept repeating.

I was actually quite worried.

I understand his pain, we've been through it together, and even though he hurts me, I can't help but feel sympathy for him. It still makes no sense to me.

I searched around my room for the spare key. Under my bed, in my bag, but I finally found them under my pillow next to a photo of me, him and my mom. We looked so happy.

Mom was wearing her pink frilly dress, dad always liked it when she wore it. I miss seeing my dad smile, I miss seeing my mom.

" I miss you so much." I whispered.

A pair of light brown hooves picked me up and hugged me tight. "Me too, and I'm sorry."

Normally, I hate hugs but this was different, I knew it wouldn't last long before the alcohol would take over his mind and turn him into a monster again, so for now I was enjoying the moment while it lasted.

Sorry for the short chapter. I will try to make the next one longer.
My exams seem to never end. I've even got some after the christmas break -_-

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