Chapter 2

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Rumble was sitting on a cloud admiring Luna's beautiful night sky.

His brother, Thunderlane had told him to go to Fluttershy's house for the night because he needed some alone time. He's been needing some alone time ever since he broke up with Cloudchaser.

Rumble sighed. He was starting to feel lonely. He didn't really have any friends from school. And now Thunderlane didn't want to talk to him either.

He didn't feel like going to Fluttershy's house so he found a cloud and decided to sleep there for the night.

Suddenly he heard a loud scream and some cries for help."strange" he thought, hardly anypony lived on this side of Ponyville.

He jumped off the cloud to help, forgetting it was in the sky and fell face first onto the floor.

"I'm ok" he said to no pony in particular.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watched as the colt stood up swaying slightly.

"we're doomed if he's the one that's gonna help us" Apple Bloom whispered.

Rumble now fully conscious trotted over to the fillies. He looked at Scootaloo on the floor he recognised her from school but never really talked to her.

Apple Bloom noticed Rumble looking at Scootaloo a bit too long so she cleared her throat.

Rumble jumped a bit and realised he was staring at Scootaloo.

"umm... how can I help you?" he squeaked.

Apple Bloom was staring at him as if she didn't want him to be there. Squinting her eyes at him every now and then.

"Since your a pegasus, you fly up and bring a cloud down low enough for Sweetie Belle to lift her onto it with her magic, then we can carry her to the hospital." Apple Bloom said sternly.

"ok" Sweetie Belle said quietly.

She had also noticed Apple Blooms attitude to Rumble and could tell something was annoying her. She usually wasn't this moody.

Rumble flew up to find the right sized cloud. He found the one he was resting on before was just right. As he flew down he noticed Scootaloo starting to move slightly.

"She's waking up" he said.

The two fillies quickly looked at each other and panicked.

"If she sees us she'll know we were following her Sweetie Belle cried.

"Quick in that bush " Apple Bloom said as they jumped into a bush. "We were never here" She glared.

Rumble gave them a 'WTF' look but nodded as Apple Blooms glare turned into a 'I WILL MURDER YOU AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE' look. 


Scootaloo shot up like a bullet "Rainbow Dash!!" She screamed. Then she noticed Rumble looking at her with a worried expression. She cleared her throat.

"Oh hey Rumble ... erm... how long did I black out for?" She asked with an awkward fake smile.

Rumble quickly looked at the bush Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were hiding in and nervously said "I don't know, I just found you lying here and was about to take you to hospital"

Scootaloos eyes  widened when he said hospital.

"No need to take me to hospital I'm fine now, thanks for the help I'll... err be on my way" she said in a paniky tone trying to walk away but fell to the ground.

"No i think we should go to hospital so they can check up on you" he said while trying to lift her onto the cloud.

"please don't make me go to hospital" she pleaded.

"Why not?" Rumble asked but regretted as Scootaloo started to crying. He noticed her trying to blink her tears off.

He sighed "ok don't worry how about we go to Fluttershy's house" Scootaloo looked at him for a bit then nodded, wiping her tears away.


Let's go we'll ask Rumble what happened at Fluttershy's house" Apple Bloom said sternly.

Sweetie Belle nodded then asked "Is everything  ok, you have been acting strangly since you saw Rumble."

"Ah'm fine it's just ah'm scared that he could hurt scootaloo. You see the way he looked at her and remember when Rainbow Dash told us about his brother what if..."

Sweetie Belle interrupted her and said "Rumble couldn't even hurt a fly and you know how much Rainbow loves to exaggerate besides even if he did hurt Scoots, we'll be there to kick his flank" She stood up on her back legs and started punching the air.

"ah guess your right" Apple Bloom smiled.

Another chapter done. Let me know what  you think.

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