Chapter 23

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Rumble's POV

"What do you want from me" I cried.

The sound of heavy breathing was coming from behind me. I turned around to see bright red ruby like eyes piercing into my skin. I was scared for my life.

"I want you to leave Scootaloo alone. She's all I have left. And I'm not going to let you take her away from me." He said, tears started forming in his now pink eyes.

"I'm not trying to take her away from you. She's trying to get away from you." I screamed.

His angry look hardened. "No it's you, she wouldn't try to run away if it wasn't for you."

"I didn't even know she ran away." I protested.

"Plus if you want me to leave Scootaloo alone, then why did you lock me up in a room with her."

He smirked."If I just sent you away, you she would still have found a way to find you. All I want you to do is break her heart. She seems to like you the most, so she will lose trust in her friends and never leave me again."

He started walking toward the window."She will wake up in the morning and if you try to tell her anything about what I just said, I will kill you."

He flew out through the window and with a smirk locked the window.

I had no idea what to think, nor what to do. I need to get out if here before I hurt Scootaloo.

Guilda's POV

I wish Rainbow had given me directions. All she told me was to go to the Apple farm and that there should be a yellow pony with a red mane, called Applebloom who would know where this Scootaloo lived.

I went there but all I saw was a red stallion who wouldn't talk other than saying "Eyup" and "Enope" I've been looking for this pony all over town. But I didn't see anyone other than Thunderlane and Rumble all day.

"This is ridiculous! I'm going back to find Dash. She should give me actual directions this time! " I said to myself.

I was just about to leave, when I saw a pony, with a smug look, fly out through a window.
Maybe he knows this Scootaloo.

"Hey, you there!" I shouted. His confident look changed into a fearful look. He tried to fly away back into his house.

"No wait I just need to ask you something" I said flying infront of the door.

He sighed." What do you want?" His grumbly voice was like scraping nails on a chalkboard.

"I just need to know if you know where a pony named Scootaloo lives." I asked.

He seemed worried when I first said that name but then shook his head. "Of course not."
Does he honestly think I'm stupid.

"Ok then, thanks for nothing." I said and pretended to fly away.

I waited until I heard the door slam and then I flew back towards the house.

There were two windows at the top floor. The first one looked like a bathroom, but the second one was a bedroom. I couldn't see the whole room, but I could just about make out that the greyish blob on the floor was a colt, who was crying. I couldn't see who he was exactly, but he looked familiar.

In the room the only thing I could recognise was the poster of Rainbow Dash on the wall. Her brighly coloured mane and tail make it hard not to notice her.

From what Dash has said about her, this room looks like it belongs to Scootaloo.
Finally, I've found you! Now just need to get you out of there...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, that is actually updated earlier than usual :)

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