Chapter 6

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Sweetie Belle's POV

We finally left Sugarcube Corner and are now in the clubhouse and Rumble decided to join us for today, but for some reason it feels different. It could be because school is starting soon but it doesn't seem like it.

" So what's the plan for today" I ask trying to sound enthusiastic.

"ah haven't thought of anything... Last night ah was really worried I hardly slept. I was thinking about ma sister" She said looking down.

"Don't worry the magic of friendship always wins in the end right?" Scootaloo said confidently.

"Right" Applebloom said still not looking convinced."But ah have a bad feeling about it this time."

I always worry about my sis every time she goes to help a Princess Celestia and this time is no exception but this time she didn't even say goodbye. It's got to be really serious.

Rumble's POV

I always thought it would be awesome being related to the elements of harmony but I never thought of how worrying it would be.

Scootaloo doesn't seem worried though.

We finally decided that since Pinkie Pie was gone we could be the next party ponies. I knew this definitely wouldn't work but it sounded like fun so I went along with it.

Scootaloo's POV

I was really worried. More worried than I've ever been before. I mean I know Rainbow Dash is awesome and always wins in the end but I have a bad feeling it won't end well this time.

I didn't want to look worried in front of Rumble, so he doesn't think I'm all girly.

We're on our way to town when I hear a rustle in the bush. I slowly walk towards it. The others are right behind me. But what lay there infront of me made me freeze. I don't know weather this is good or bad ...

Sorry I've been updating soooo slowly but school and homework are taking up most of my time. I'll try to update as often as I can. :)

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