Chapter 33

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Scootaloo's POV
Finally, Rumble actually made it to the end of the orchard, but he looked really out of breath.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah... I'm... fine." He said in between breaths.
I sat down and patted the ground next to me, signalling for him to sit down. After a few seconds of sitting down his breathing seemed to have gone back to normal.
I gazed up at the sky.The stars, illuminated the land, making it feel like I was in a different world.
I turned towards Rumble to see that he was staring at me, with an adorable look on his face.
" What are you looking at?"
He jumped, and with a tomato red face said "Nothing, just your eyes looked really pret- shiny, reflecting of the stars"
He quickly looked away after saying that. I smiled at him, but my face felt a bit warm.
Was I blushing?
I decided to change the subject before I lost my mind.
"So, schools gonna start in a few days, you exited?" I asked, trying to sound enthusiastic but even talking about school made me want to go to sleep.
He looked at me with an 'are you being serious' face.
"Not really... I feel like I could have done a lot more this summer." he replied.
Now that I think about it, I didn't do much this summer either. I feel like I've wasted 3 months, doing nothing, exept putting one if my friends life in danger.
"Yeah I feel the same way." I sighed
" Well we still have 4 days, maybe we could try to ignore everything that's gone bad and concentrate on enjoying the last 4 days of summer we have left." He suggested.
He looked at me and asked, "What do you want to do before school starts?"
"I want to fly. Even if its just for a few seconds, I just want to know what it feels like." I said.
He thought for a second, then said.
"Ok, should we get back to the clubhouse and make a list of what we want to do?"
"Yeah totally, but before we do..." I stop and give him an sly look, then dash of screaming " race you there..."
I could hear him grunt in annoyance, as I sped up. But I then came to a hault, when I realized that I couldn't hear any hoof steps. Before I can react, Rumble lifts me up and drops me onto a cloud.
" Hey! This is cheating!" I shoutout.
He giggled, and then started pushing the cloud. Slowly, he started to speed up, the wind rushed through my mane, it felt like when I would ride my scooter. Then, I realized what he was doing.
He was showing me what it felt like to fly...

Well this is the last chapter I'll be updating today. I hope you enjoyed.
And guess who called that Guilda was going to get reformed this season. OMG, many feels were felt this episode, especially, during that flashback. Awww little Guilda was adorable.

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