Chapter 19

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Rumble's POV

Listening to that story made me feel like I was being punched in the stomach. My brother, the one I've always looked up too, was horrible.

At least I know he's changed, though it would be hard to gain any respect after doing something like that to your best friend. I use to think Rainbow Dash was just being mean to my brother, because... I don't know I never questioned it!

But, this also affects me. What if people think I'll be just like him? Is that why no pony can trust me, even though I've done nothing wrong?

"I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I thought that maybe if you heard this, you wouldn't want to talk to me ever again. " He said, his ears flopping back behind his head.

"I... ummm..." I really didn't know what to say. Of course I was mad at him for keeping something that has had a big impact on my life, a secret.

But I couldn't ever ignore him. I don't have anyone else to go to! Do I?

I'm just so confused right now!

"I'm not never going to talk to you again," I started, my brain hurting a little from trying to figure out if what I said made sense, "... I'm just going to go... uh... Think for a while... I'll be back by dinner time" I stuttered, before dashing off to do what I was trying to do, before being interrupted.

Where is Scootaloo?

Scootaloo's POV
The clouds look nice today... and the birds...with all the little ponies running around and...  Urrrrggghhh, I couldn't believe I didn't see this coming.

My dad locked me up in my room again!! This time, taking my spare key!!

All I could do now is stare out the window waiting for someone to help me... urrggggh.

No!! I wasn't going to stay up here waiting for my so called "hero" to come and save me. I'm not some weak ... princess from those lame  fairytales. I can save myself!

The only escape would be through the window. But that was also locked. Looking outside again, I sighed.


Someone was knocking at our front door! That's strange, no one ever seems to come to our house. They're usually afraid of my dad. I leaned down, my ear pressing hard against the floor.

"Um hello... is Scootaloo home." Said a high pitched voice.

" Oh no!" I gasped. 

Quickly jumping up and banging against the door.

"Rumble, don't come in!" I screamed as loudly as I could.

But it was no use. The walls were all sound proof in my room.

I heard the creepy sounding voice of my dad saying, "yes, come right this way..."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm back now!! And hopefully I'll be able to start updating more frequently :)

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