Chapter 44

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Rumble's POV

The rest of the day went by quickly, Scootaloo got detention for 2 weeks, which she said she didn't mind, and that she was used to it.

It was at lunch, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had just heard what happened earlier today.
" Wow, we leave her alone for five minutes and she goes and punches someone."

I chuckled along with them until lunch was over. 

Right now I was waiting outside the school for Scootaloos detention to be over. I quickly peaked inside to see her half asleep as miss Cherilee was writing something on the chalkboard. Her eyes widened, when she saw me but she gave me a quick smile.

After a few minutes Cheerilee let her leave. As soon as she came out of the classroom she pulled me into a side hug. " You didn't have to wait for me you know..."
I smiled at her, but didn't reply.
"Anyway, what do you want to do now?" She asked.
I thought for a moment before taking off and shouting " Last one to the Clubhouse is a rotten egg".
She burst put laughing before very quickly catching up. "It's on."

Ten minutes later we were already at Sweet Apple Acres. "Let's take... a break ...please, I'm exhaust...ed." I said in between breaths. She nodded.
As I sat down and leant against a tree. Scoots pulled something out of her bag.  A letter?

"What's that?" I asked she didn't reply. The smile she was wearing before had disappeared.

"Arn't you gonna open it?" I asked again.
She shook her head, "I don't want to." She slowly turned towards me. "Its from my dad."

I thought for a second, " I think you should read it just in case. It could be something important!"
She slowly nodded and opened the envelope.

I didn't read the letter, because I didn't want to invade any more of her privacy. I just watched Scootaloo's eyes move side to side and the slowly increasing sadness in her eyes. She smiled at me and crumpled up the letter and threw it into her bag.
"Anyways I think that break was long enough so 321 go!" She said and race down the dirty road towards the clubhouse.

I quickly followed her confused but relieved that she was happy.

so I hope that was a decent ending for now. It took ages I know but school hates me so I never really had time.

But anyway hope you had a good Christmas, New years, valentines day and Easter and whatever else any of you celebrate. (I know. its been that long since I updated)

I might do an epilogue if you guys want but I'm quite happy with where this ends.

And if you've been patient enough to actually wait this long and still read this entire thing then thank you so much :)

Its almost been two years since I've started writing this and its strange that its finally over. (Probably)


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