Chapter 42

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Rumbles POV
I walked into my brothers room. He looked up at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen on anyone.
He looked more upset than when he broke up with Cloudchaser.

I couldn't stand it. My eyes started watering too. I still can't stand people crying.

He looked back down before saying, "I'm sorry I'm such a sh- terrible brother. I just can't handle looking after myself, let alone you. I'm surprised you never said anything before. "

"I never really had the guts to say anything." I sighed.

"Well Scootaloo has clearly been helping you be more confident. " he said smirking and wiping away his tears.
I smiled thinking about her again.

Scootaloos POV

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were sat across me discussing something really quietly.
I groaned giving up trying to hear what they were talking about.

They finally stopped talking and looked towards me.

Rainbow spoke first. " What's going on between you and Rumble? And why have you been running away from us?"

Great, question time.

"I wasn't running away from you, I just wanted to be alone."

"With Rumble?"

I looked at her with the most annoyed expression, while she chuckled and ruffled my mane.

When she stopped, it was Fluttershy's turn to question me.

"Why didn't you tell us about you're father sooner?"

I froze. My head started hurting again. It hasn't hurt since I ran off with Rumble.

"I... I thought that he might get better... And be like what he was before my mum died." I said quietly.

She walked over to me and gave me a side hug. I didn't try to stopped her, I kind of needed one right now.

Rainbow looked at me puzzled.
"What changed you're mind? You know... Because you told me a few days before I had to leave."

I shrugged. "I was sick of being sad and alone."

They both looked at each other before Fluttershy said. "You're going to be staying at Rainbows house from now on. We both agreed it would be the best place for you to stay."

I smiled widely "Thanks."

First of all thanks for reading and giving me over 10,000 reads. I really didn't think any one would continue reading after the first chapter. And thank you for being so patient. I know I barely update and the story has taken its time to progress. (Probably should have made the chapters longer) but if you're reading this long paragraph thank you for being you ;)

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