Chapter 13

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Scootaloo's POV

I can't believe I did that. Rumble was only being nice to me. Now I'm all alone in here. Trapped because of these lies. But I couldn't tell anypony. They would hate me. I bet Rumble hates me now.

Groaning, I dropped onto the hospital bed. Pulled the blanket over my head, and cried.

I heard the door open but I didn't care. I continued crying.

"Scootaloo please don't cry, I hate seeing ponies I care about cry." Hushed a voice.

Finally I stopped, I quickly opened my eyes and was met by Rumble's.

His eyes were actually starting to water too. After seeing this I wiped away my tears, I didn't want to cause anyone else to start crying.

"I'm so sorry Rumble, it's just I've had to go through so much in just a few days and I'm in hospital which is the one place I don't want to be in right now and ..." I was cut off by Rumble putting his hoof on my lip.

" I told the doctor that your parents are out of town and that your staying with me until they're back." He smiled as he slowly removed his hoof off my lips.

I was in complete shock. Even after every thing I said to him he is still being so nice to me. He should hate me right now but he doesn't. Why?

His face was turning into a frown." Did I say something wro..." he was cut off by me jumping on to him and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your a life saver."

After about a minute I let go but, I was still a bit jumpy. Rumble's face was bright red. Did I hug him too tightly? He does look cute like that though... wait what?

"So did the doctor say when I can get out of here? I asked trying to ignore my thoughts. They seem to be messed up from the concussion.

"Oh yeah, he said you will be able to leave as soon as your feeling better." He said his voice was very squeaky abd his face still slightly red, but now it's more of a pink.

"But I'm feeling fine. Does that mean I can leave?" I growl impatiently.

"I don't know, maybe we should wait until the doctor comes back to check up on you." He replied.

I groaned, pulled the blanket up and lay there.
Urgghh more waiting... at least I'm not alone this time.

Sorry for the short chapter and sorry it took so long to write. I'm busy, busy, busy.

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