Chapter 3

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Scootaloo's POV

Me and Rumble slowly walked over to Fluttershy's cottage. It was completely silent, the only noise I could hear was the trotting noise coming from my hooves. Rumble was flying next to me looking up at the sky. I must admit Luna did an amazing job with the night tonight the stars were spaced out and twinkled while the full moon shone. It was right in the middle of the sky telling us it was midnight.

As we crossed the bridge near Fluttershy's cottage I noticed the river reflecting the moons light causing it to shimmer. It was so beautiful I had to stop to look.

"are you ok" Rumble asked.

"yeah its just the river looks so cool at night. I wish I could come here more often." I sigh.

"I always watch the night sky before I sleep. It gets my mind of school and stuff." He replies looking down at the river.

Curiosity takes over me as I say. "what's wrong with school."

"not school but the ponies in school. Mainly Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon." He sighs. 

"Oh i see what you mean, they have been teasing me and my friends over our blank flanks ever since they got their cutie marks" I look at him in the eyes. "I thought they only teased us." I add.

He sighs and looks back up at the sky "at least you have friends" he squeaks. I can tell he's trying not to cry.

"You can be my friend if you want" i offer.

He smiles and says "Thanks"

We finally get to Fluttershy's cottage. I feel a bit relieved my hooves were aching and my head was still pounding. I can't wait to get some rest. But we were surprised when a tired looking Angel bunny opens the door.

"Hey Angel is Fluttershy home" I say but Angel just looks at me and Rumble with an expressionless face and slams the door.

"I guess not" I say  to myself.

I was really tired and upset that we walked all the way from one side of Ponyville to the other just so we have to walk back.

Rumble must have noticed my disappointment and said "Why don't we find a cloud and sleep there tonight and in the morning we'll ask somepony where Fluttershy is."

I felt like hugging him but I was too tired. "ok " I mumble.

Rumble flies up to the clouds and brings one down. I guess he knew about me not being able to fly as well. I hop on to the cloud and Rumble lifts it up a bit until we were hight above the Trees so we could see the night sky better.

I didn't understand why Rumble didn't have any friends. He was so nice.

I lay on my back for a bit. Now I understand why most pegasus lived in clouds and slept in cloud beds. They were so soft and comfortable.

I turn to my side to see Rumble already asleep, snoring gently and drooling slightly. I felt bad for keeping him up so late. I sigh as I slowly fall asleep too.

This was my first attempt on writing in first person/pony. Am I better at writing in first or third person/pony.

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