Chapter 39

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Scootaloo's POV

My heart stopped, I didn't know how to reply or if I should reply.

I mean, its not that bad... who am I kidding this is terrible.

What if I break his heart? I couldn't live with myself if I did that.

Calm down. Right now you just need to play it cool.

I looked into Rumbles now glossy light purple eyes. They were begging for me to reply, but I couldn't.

Crushes and stuff like that are not my thing. But do I actually like Rumble in that way?

I do think its cute when he gets nervous and acts awkward around some people. And when he is confident it does make my heart go all fluttery. But do I really like him back?

He looked at me hope completely vanished and replaced with a kind of darkness.

He tried to turn his head away from my gaze, but before he could move any further I put both my hooves on both sides of his face and pulled him in, connecting our lips.

Rumble's POV

It only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like hours. It was now my turn to be shocked.

When we broke the kiss off, she looked slightly relieved and wore a huge grin.

"I don't care if that is considered girly, it felt awesome," she whisper shouted.

I just nodded smiling. We went back to lying in our beds facing each other and not saying a word, because this comfortable silence between us was so soothing.

SUPRISSEE!! Double update :D

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