Chapter 34

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Scootaloo's POV
As soon as we got to the clubhouse, he slowly, brought the cloud down to a level of which I could jump down from. When he landed, I attacked him with a hug.

"Thank you, so much. You are the bestest friend ever." I said, before letting go.

His face was bright red.

Did I hug him too tightly?

"Your welcome!" he squeaked.

We walked back into the wooden building, actually excited for the next day and spent a good 10 minutes discussing what we wanted to do.

Rumble, had managed to keep me in a good mood, even after what had happened today.

He's so kind and caring, its hard to believe that anyone could ever mistreat him.

"I'm really tempted to add 'beating up Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon' to the list." he said, making me laugh.
"Maybe wait until school starts for that one." I added.

We both bursted out into fits of laughter.


"It donee" We both say looking approvingly at 'The list of things we wanted to do, before school starts'.
Rumble carefully folded the paper, and put it at the back corner of the room, while I took out two sleeping bags, from the 'supplies closet', which was basically a loose tile, where we put some of the things we have used or plan to use in the future.

"Are you sure you want to stay here tonight? Won't your brother be worried? " I asked while placing the sleeping bags next to the window.

" If my brother was worried, then he would have found me when the others did," he sounded annoyed, but then completely changed his mood and added, " plus I would feel bad just leaving you here."

Ive noticed Rumble does that a lot, one minute he looks like he wants to scream and then completely changes moods and says something really... sweet.

Hi... I know what your thinking... And I'm so so so sorry, I guess things have been getting in the way and now I'm definitely back and you'll be happy to know the book is close to the end... Maybe another 10 or so chapters. So you won't have to worry about reading/ skipping past all these excuses.
And just in case you were wandering, I will be writing more fanfics if you have any ideas you want to suggest to me for them then go ahead :3
I hope you've enjoyed this story so far :)

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