Chapter 41

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Rumble's POV

Great! Just great!

My brother had me sitting across the table to him with a questioning look.

"Well... Aren't you gonna explain yourself." He asked, his look grew angrier as I sat there in silence still not sure what to say.

"Fine!" He finally spoke when he realised I wasn't going to say anything.

"I- I'm sorry." I stuttered sadly.
"I guess I was just trying to help Scoots and got caught up in it and... I don't know... I just felt better about myself when I was around her, and I kind of felt like I belonged there, more than here."

He looked me up and down, probably not sure how to reply, before looking down at the floor.

" Do you hate me?" He said, sounding like a little filly.

His sudden change of emotion was strange, I barely ever see him act like he cared about me. Too caught up with his life to notice how I feel.

"No, but it sometimes feels like you hate me." I said calmly not trying to sound as angry as I was inside.

"Oh" was all he said before getting up and slowly walking to his room and slamming the door shut.

I decided that it was around time I got to bed too.

But when I got to bed, any urge to sleep was gone and I found myself thinking yet again about the pony I had spent the past few days with.

It was just impossible for me to get Scootaloo out of my mind. But to be honest I prefer it that way. Shes literally the only thing good in my life right now.

I was just about to slip into sleep when I heard, the sound of sobbing.


Woahh what's that four updates in one!!!
No need to thank me that's what I do :)
(Ignore that it took me two months to do this plz)

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