I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost (6)

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~Your PoV~

After Mikasa has pulled Armin up, he wants to raise an objection again and stop you from taking him with you, but Armin is interrupted by Connie, who grabs him by the arm with a "Shut up! Let's go!" and pulls him along. You, Mikasa and Felix, follow them wordlessly, behind you, you could still hear the bizarre Titan roar as it took out another Titan. Something struck you as odd about this Titan. You just couldn't find a logical explanation for its behaviour. You would have liked to stay longer and observe its behaviour, but of course, you couldn't do that when the other Titans attack you immediately.

Suddenly Armin stopped and slapped away Connie's hand, the one Connie was holding his wrist with. "Wait! Listen to me. I have an idea."

"What have you concocted this time?" you address Armin as you all stop and turn to face him.

"You would be the ones, who would have to make it happen. So you have to decide," Armin continues, "I know it sounds crazy, but... we could use this Titan for our own purposes. It only attacks other titans and shows no interest in us. That's why I was wondering if we could manage to guide it to the supply depot. That way, if it takes care of the other Titans for us, we might be able to save the others and all of us!"

"Are you out of your mind?! How are we supposed to guide this monster, anyway?" Connie questions Armin's idea.

"I think it fights sorely on instinct. If you four kill the Titans near it, it will look for other Titans. Most likely, it will then target the Titans at the headquarters," Armin replies.

"We're supposed to risk our lives for a crazy theory?!" Connie interjects.

"But if it works, we can take out all the Titans at HQ in one fell swoop!"

"I think it's worth a try," Mikasa agrees.
You nod in agreement with what Mikasa says. "Yeah, I also think we shouldn't miss out on such an opportunity." 

Connie looks at you with a look of complete and utter disbelief on his face. "Are you serious?!"

"If all we can do is wait to die anyway, it's better to take action," Mikasa explains as you nod in agreement, "I say we at least give it a try."

Connie didn't seem at all convinced by the plan. "So you want to fight Titans together with a Titan?"

You shake your head. "Wrong. We'll stay on our own side, but what's the big deal about using a stupid Titan. It'll satisfy its bloodthirst and we'll manage to survive."

Connie hesitates briefly before eventually saying; "If that doesn't work, we're really making fools of ourselves."

"Yes, but if we succeed, we can save a lot of lives," Armin says with a look of determination. 

"And what do you say, Felix?" you ask him since he was silent the whole time.
Felix didn't know what to think of this plan. However, he also didn't know of a better one, which is why he agrees as well. "... I'm on board, too."

With that, it was a done deal. Everyone had agreed, which is why you set out to put Armin's plan into action. Connie carried Armin because he gave his gas to Mikasa. You and Mikasa took care of the Titans, while Felix stayed behind with Armin and Connie.

It didn't take long before the Titans were finished off around the Bizarre one. With the help of the Bizarre Titan, it all went smoothly. And it happened just as Armin said it would. The Bizarre Titan makes its way to the remaining Titans at the headquarters.

Your path was clear and you make it to headquarters just in time before you ran out of gas. Skillfully, you smash a window with your feet and land unharmed at headquarters. Next to you, Mikasa does the same and after her Armin, Connie and Felix follow.

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