Idol: The Struggle for Trost (8)

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~Your PoV~

Shortly after you and the others arrived, the order was given to gather in front of the wall and listen to Pixie's strategy.

While waiting, the soldiers murmured among themselves. For them to return to Trost was pointless and only suicide, as there was no technology to close the hole in the wall. They didn't know anything about Eren yet.

Many thought of simply running away. Of course, they knew that deserting was punishable by death, but for most of them, death by the sword was a thousand times more welcome than another fight against the Titans and a possible cruel death.

The hope of perhaps defeating the Titans had long since disappeared, and most wanted to spend the last moments of humanity in the ranks of their families.

"Attention!!!" Commander Pixies shouts, as he suddenly appears on the wall. Next to him stands Eren.

Pixies came to explain the strategy to close the hole in the wall. First, he introduces Eren, which led to surprise among those who knew Eren.

Eren's powers were explained by the fact that he had participated in a secret project for Titan research and thus acquired the ability to transform into a Titan.

The plan was for Eren to carry the boulder that lay near the gate and close the gate with it. The soldiers' task was to protect him from the Titans. To do this, as many soldiers as possible should gather on one side of the wall of Trost. This should lure the Titans from the city to the wall. Then they will be fired upon with cannons. Through this plan, direct contact with the Titans can be kept to a minimum. Only the selected elite soldiers must remain in Eren's immediate vicinity and protect him from the remaining Titans and the Titans that continue to come through the gate.

Of course, the number of those who trusted the plan were few and far between. Many think it is a lie and just another suicide operation to reduce the population. Just like five years ago.

More and more soldiers wanted to leave the place and quit. If this goes on, soon there will be no fighters left. A few of the superiors try to force the soldiers to stay by threatening them, including Verman, who draws his sword and loudly proclaims that he will strike down any traitor with his own hands.

"My orders are!" Pixies shouts, "To remit punishment to any soldier who leaves this place. Whoever has once succumbed to the Titans' terror can never face them again. Anyone who has experienced their horror should leave! And those who want their parents and brothers and sisters — all those you love — to experience that same horror, may leave as well!"

Some faltered at the thought that their families might be exposed to the same cruel fate. In the end, most of them stayed and faced the battle again, even despite their fear.

After Commander Pixies' briefing, it was time to get ready. You were about to join your comrades, but Ian flagged you down. "(L/n), you're going to rejoin the elite unit. We need your skills on the front lines."

"Yes, sir," you reply as you salute. 

Once you arrive at the wall, the commander himself is already waiting for you all. You are a bit intimidated since this was the first time you were standing in front of such a high-ranking personage.

"So you are the promising recruit." says Pixies, "What is your name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n), sir."

Pixies nodded. "Good, you will receive the following order. Escort Eren Jäger and eliminate any risks that arise during this operation. It is the most dangerous task during this mission and also the most difficult."

Doubts were still stirring in the minds of the others. Was Eren really able to close the hole? Everyone was still unsure. Rico was the only one who voiced her doubts and asked the commander personally if it would work. The lives of many soldiers were also at stake, Mitabi pointed out.

"Right you are. Maybe we should give up and let ourselves be eaten voluntarily," Pixies said while twirling the end of his beard.

The commander's answer made all three of you look in surprise.

Pixies talked about how he was determined to defeat the Titans, and of course, you wanted to do that too. For too long, humanity has allowed itself to be defeated by them. It's time for something to change.

"Then the only option is to take a gamble on him. That's the only way we're going to win against the Titans," Pixies says.

You couldn't help but agree with the commander's way of thinking. Currently, Eren is the only one who can close the hole. Besides, the plan will put as few people in danger as possible. This really was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Ian was assigned as a squad leader because he was able to assess situations well. Moreover, his comrades trusted him blindly.

At the last second, Mikasa was also assigned to the elite unit. Her eyes practically lit up when she heard about it. To you, this was a welcome addition. Mikasa was a gifted fighter with incredible talent. You were always honoured to fight alongside her. Only Eren didn't seem to like it very much, because Mikasa was always so worried about him and, in his opinion, treated him like a child. But if you were honest, Eren would probably have died long ago if he didn't have his guardian angel named Mikasa with him.

Then the mission begins. Together with Eren, Mikasa and the rest of the elite unit, you run on top of the wall. Your goal was to get as close as possible to the boulder without having direct contact with the Titans.

The boulder slowly came into your field of vision. No Titans in sight. The others managed to lure them away. This was the first step towards victory.

"Let me tell you something else, Jäger. Let's not fool ourselves, countless soldiers will surely die in this operation today. All for you. They are our comrades, our superiors, our subordinates. Of course, since they are soldiers, they are always prepared to die, but they are not faceless pawns! They have names, and they have families and all the feelings that go with it. Whatever happens, you have a responsibility to make sure they didn't die in vain. Keep that in your pampered mind, recruit! And be ready to die for humanity at any time."

You could only agree with Rico that although this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, it didn't change the fact that many people will die for it. The only thing you can do now is to do your best to protect Eren from the Titans so that he can carry the boulder.

"This is the spot. Let's go!" Ian orders once you've arrived at the location.

Without much ado, you jump down the wall, while Rico stays behind to shoot a green smoke signal into the sky. This marks the beginning of this mission.

You move quickly and skillfully across the rooftops. When you were close enough to the boulder, Eren bit his hand. The surroundings were lit up and a strong, warm wind blew towards you. After a few seconds, the light disappeared and a Titan was where Eren was before.

Your eyes were wide open. What a spectacle. Never in your life would you have thought to see something like that. Out of nowhere, a titan emerged, as if it had been created from lightning bolts.

You were landing next to Mikasa on a roof nearby, while the others were landing on a tower a little away.

Eren roared loudly as he stepped out of the smoke that was created by his transformation. The boulder was right in front of him. Now it was almost done.

But suddenly Eren turned around. His fist flew toward Mikasa.

June 16, 2021

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