Our Homeland: Restocking of the Supply Base (4)

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~Your PoV~

Reiner's question surprised you a bit, but you decide not to pay any further attention to it. "You are also from the lost territory of Wall Maria, aren't you?"

Berthold nodded. "Yes. From a village in the mountains south of the Wall."

Now that Berthold said that, you remember it a little more clearly. The villages in the south were not informed about the fall of the Wall at that time, and as a result, only found out about it when the Titans were at their door.

"We will return to our homeland. No matter what," Reiner says in a firm voice.

"Certainly. The Survey Corps will do everything they can to take back the Wall. Alone because of Eren's cellar in Shiganshina," you reply.

You continue walking down the stairs for a while until Reiner speaks up again. "Do you remember our conversation from a few weeks ago?"

All these questions made you look surprised again. Besides, you didn't really want to revisit the topic of your last conversation. The whole thing was already unpleasant enough for you. After Reiner and Berthold didn't ask you about it again, you thought they had forgotten about it or dismissed it as nonsense, as you wanted them to believe. But that didn't seem to be the case. "... Yes, I do." you finally replied, still a little uncomfortable. You could only hope that the notebook wouldn't come up again during the conversation. You were quite happy that it no longer haunted your thoughts every hour of the day. And you weren't going to let that change anytime soon.

"You said that you believed - no, knew - that there were people behind the Wall."

When Reiner said that, you could only look at him with utter disbelief. That's what he took away from your strange conversation back then? Not the notebook or your funny comment about Ymir's name, nor your continuously changing state of mind.

As you were still struggling to find the words to this unpredictable question, Reiner's gaze suddenly met yours. He stopped and had turned around. You couldn't quite interpret the look in his eyes, but he looked different than usual. As if this was an all-or-nothing situation. And Berthold, on the other hand, looked more and more nervous, almost as if he were about to faint from tension.

"I already told you that was just gibberish blamed on lack of sleep," you explained, but the tension in the air didn't seem to subside. On the contrary, it seemed to increase steadily and hit its peak when Reiner suddenly took a threatening step toward you and grabbed your arm.

You almost reached for your sword but were stopped when suddenly an electric shock went through your whole body just at the moment Reiner grabbed your arm.

With a slight cry of pain and shock, you automatically want to back away from him, but he now held your arm even tighter, so that you were afraid he might break your bones in two at any moment.

"Ouch, Reiner, let go of me! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?!" You tried to free your arm from his grip, but you were powerless. To reach for your sword now, however, did not occur to you. After all, you couldn't just slash someone down like that. How would you explain that later?

Reiner looked at you intensely, while Berthold just kept looking at the door at the end of the stairs, as if something normal were going on before his eyes.

After Reiner looked at you scrutinizingly one more time, he finally said. "Can you remember?"

"Remember what, for heaven's sake? Now let go of my arm!" you said, completely unable to grasp what was going on.

"That can't be. It worked, didn't it?" Reiner said, as his gaze turned to Berthold, who was just standing there with an uneasy look on his face.

"What do you mean, Reiner?" you asked, perhaps finally able to understand this absurd situation.

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