The Night of the Closing Ceremony: 104th Cadet Corps (4)

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~Your PoV~

The time had come. You and your comrades of the 104th Cadet Corps have survived the three years of hard and merciless training. The night of graduation came. Now each one of you has to choose which path to take. The Garrison, which secures the walls and protects the cities inside. The Survey Corps, which is always ready to sacrifice their lives in the fight against the Titans beyond the protection of the Wall. Or the Military Police, directly subordinate to the King, who ensure law and order among the population. However, the last path is only available to the ten soldiers with the highest grades.

Everyone gathered on the square in front of Commandant Shadis. "I will now announce the top ten graduates. Step forward when your name is called.

Number ten, Sasha Braus!
Number nine, Connie Springer!
Number eight, Marco Bodt!
Number seven, Jean Kirstein!
Number six, Eren Jäger!
Number five, Annie Leonhart!
Number four, Berthold Hoover!
Number three, Reiner Braun!
Number two, Mikasa Ackermann!
And our top-ranking graduate, (Y/n) (L/n)!"

One by one, each person called by Shadis steps forward.

"These are the top ten," Shadis continued, "However, these results are based on the points scored in training. Whether you can put your skills to use in an actual battle is another question. Those of you who didn't rank should think long and hard; What can you do? What should you try to achieve? Tomorrow you will be asked which Regiment you'd like to be assigned to! The 104th Cadet Corps is hereby disbanded... That is all!"

After the announcement of the best, there was a small celebration. The mood was good and you see the cadets clinking glasses at all possible places, celebrating that they finally graduated.

You walk through the aisle of tables, where you look around a bit. Such a loud event with so many people has never been for you. Even though you were happy to have graduated, the next question came up. Where do you want to go? Military Police, Survey Corps or Garrison? In the last few years you have thought a lot about this decision, but have not yet come to a clear decision.

"Hey, (Y/n). Can we talk a little bit?" , Eren addresses you. You agree and join him and his friends.

"You were simply superior to us. I always knew that you would make it into the top ten," Eren says to you.

You shrug your shoulders slightly. "Well, I had no idea I'd do so well." And you still hold that opinion strongly. The way it was back when you took your first real exam, it's been the same for all three years. Reiner, Mikasa and you had a real head-to-head race when it came to the top grades.

"Really? Everyone else was expecting it," Armin says with his hand on his chin.

"Yeah, (Y/n). You're really good," Felix, who was with Mina and Thomas, joins in. "I wish I could do something like that...." Felix hadn't made it among the best. Just like Mina and Thomas, he was far from it, but he had actually survived the time in 104.

"Don't be down in the mouth. Commandant Shadis himself said that our true skills will only be revealed in a real fight," you replied encouragingly to Felix, to which he smiled slightly.

"And you Eren. You don't want to join the military police?" Thomas asks.

"No, I want to join the Survey Corps. I didn't train so hard to live in the Inner District, I trained to fight the Titans," he replies.

"Do you have death wishes?!", Thomas suddenly shouts, which brings everyone to silence when they look at Thomas, who after a short wait continues to speak, "So many people have died! Tens of thousands of them were eaten! We have lost over a fifth of the population. We must face the truth. We cannot defeat them!"

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