Can't Look into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack (2)

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~Your PoV~

You didn't talk to the others much longer, since there wasn't much time left before the tribunal. Together with Mikasa, Armin and Felix, you go to the Inner District where the courtroom is. All 3 divisions are present, including people from the common folk and representatives of the wall cult. After all the important people took their seats, three military policemen brought Eren in. He is tied to an iron bar in the middle of the hall.

General Darius Zackly enters and sits on the judge's chair. He was the commander-in-chief of the divisions and will decide the verdict of today's trial. "All right. Let's get started. You are Eren Jäger, right? You are a soldier who swore to give his life for humanity. That's the case, isn't it?"

"Yes.", Eren replies.

"This is an exceptional situation. This tribunal will be held under military, not civilian, law. The judicial decision-making power has been completely transferred to me. I will review the question of whether you should live or die. Do you have any objections?"

"No, I don't."

"I'm glad you're being cooperative so quickly. Let me be completely honest and direct. It was not possible to keep your existence a secret. We had to make it public in some form or another. What will be decided today is which of the two divisions we will entrust you to. The military police or the survey corps. I will now ask the military police to present their view to me."

"Yessir! I am Nile Dawk, division commander of the military police. In our opinion, we should have the boy's body thoroughly examined and then Eren Jäger should be eliminated immediately! It is true that his power repelled the recent attack of the Titans. However, his existence now threatens to become the cause of a civil war. That is why, after giving us as much information as possible, he must sacrifice his life for humanity as a hero!" the division commander of the military police explains.

"I do not accept this! This vermin has mocked the walls, the epitome of God, and has invaded here!" a wall preacher shouts in between. Since Wall Mary fell, the Wall cult has had an incredible amount of growth, and by now they even have the right of co-determination.

"That's enough! I ask for silence! The survey corps should now please present their view of things!"

"Yessir! My name is Erwin Smith, 13th commander of the survey corps. We have the following proposal, we welcome Eren as a member of our force and use his Titan power to retake Wall Maria. That is all."

"huh? That's all?" the General asks again.

"Yes. With the help of his power, we can take back the Wall Maria. In my opinion, it is obvious which proposal should be preferred.", Commander Erwin answers.

"Let's say I allow this mission. From where do you plan to set out?"

"We plan to set out from the Karanese district in the east. From there we will approach Shiganshina. We will have to look for the exact rod on the spur of the moment," the commander of the survey corps explained.

"Hold it! Wait a minute!" shouts a citizen, "Wouldn't it be more necessary to seal all the gates completely?! Surely the colossal Titan can only destroy the part where a gate is! If we reinforce those parts, the titans won't be able to attack anymore!"

"Shut up, you goddamn moneybags!" another citizen yells, "With the Titan's power, we can return to Wall Maria!"

"We don't want to continue supporting you financially, by playing heroes!" the first citizen shouts angrily.

"You're grunting pretty loud, you stupid pig!", Corporal Levi interjects, "So you want to keep reinforcing the gates? Do you think the Titans will wait patiently for you? And this "we" you're talking about, you only mean your fat merchant friends. You pigs don't care at all about the people who don't have enough to eat because there isn't enough farmland."

"I'm just saying that if we sealed the gates properly, it would save us!" the citizen tries to defend himself.

"Will you be quiet, you insolent sinner! Wall Rose, the gift that we have received from God's hand, is to be corrected by men?! You see these walls, the great work of God, and you still do not understand?" the preacher shouts angrily.

"Those terrible fanatics. Because of them, it took so long for the wall to be reinforced," Armin whispers.

"They're lunatics. Somebody should throw that maniac of the wall out. The only thing he's doing is hindering the trial," you say.

The citizen and the wall priest continue to bicker, which is why the general has to intervene. He bangs his hand on the table. "Silence! Continue your discussion, about personal opinion, in another place! Eren Jäger, I want to ask you something different. Are you able to continue your service to humanity as a soldier while using your power as a Titan?"

"Yes, I can!"

"Is that so? But in the report of the defensive battle for Trost, it says the following: Right after the transformation, he tries to kill Mikasa Ackermann as a Titan."

Eren looked at all of you in utter surprise and shock. He didn't seem to remember.

"Is Mikasa Ackermann here?"

"Yes, I'm over here!"

"Good. Is it true that Eren Jäger attacked you?"

Mikasa hesitates and says nothing. Rico whispers to her, to be honest, otherwise, there may be problems for Eren. But Mikasa kept debating with herself whether, to tell the truth, or not. In the end, she couldn't and continued to keep silent.

"No answer, huh." the genral says, before looking at his sheet again, "What about the other witness, Ms. (Y/n) (L/n)? Is she here?"

"Yes. I'm here," you respond.

"What is your testimony? Did Eren Jäger attack Mikasa Ackermann?"

"It's true," you answer after a moment's hesitation. Mikasa looked at you angrily. "Eren attacked the elite unit shortly after he transformed."

"However, that's not all, because before that Eren saved my life twice in his Titan form. The first time, he stood in the way of a Titan, which I would have otherwise fallen into the hands of. And the second time, he protected Armin and me from a shell. Please take these facts into consideration," Mikasa now speaks up.

"Objection! I suspect that this testimony is strongly influenced by personal feelings! Mikasa Ackermann lost her parents when she was still very young and was then taken in by Jäger's family. Moreover, our investigation has revealed an astonishing fact about the events of that time. Eren Jäger and Mikasa Ackermann both stabbed to death, at the age of 9, three adult robbers who tried to kidnap Mikasa," the division commander of the military police said.

"What Eren and Mikasa did when they were children doesn't matter in this trial," you raise your voice, "If you don't believe her, I can testify to it. Eren saved Mikasa from a Titan that would have killed her otherwise. After that, he cleared a path for us to get to headquarters and then kept the Titans off our backs while we refilled our gas tanks that the supply squad had stopped delivering to us."

"Objection!" is shouted again from the military police side. This time it was not the commander himself, but a woman standing right next to him. Undoubtedly someone of high rank. "(Y/n) (L/n), can you answer me one question."

26th August 2021

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