Response: The struggle for Trost (7)

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~Your PoV~

Together you, Jean, Reiner, Annie, Berthold, Armin, Felix and Mikasa brought Eren back to the main unit. His titan secret did not go unnoticed and he was kept under surveillance to be questioned as soon as he was conscious again. Eren was immediately surrounded and the soldiers of the wall garrison prepared to take Eren out immediately should he try anything. Armin and Mikasa stayed with him while the rest of you went back to the other soldiers.

Christa came to you as soon as she saw you arrive. She was worried about all of you because you arrived later than everyone else. Of course, you were asked immediately what was going on, but you were not allowed to say anything because you were under an obligation of secrecy.

Jean, who is standing along with Christa, Ymir and Connie, was certain, that it wouldn't remain a secret much longer anyway and that everyone would soon know about it if there were still people left.

You were sitting at one of the tables next to Reiner. Across from you sat Berthold, while Annie was leaning against the table with her back to you.

Since you returned, Reiner seemed unable to talk about anything else but Eren. I wonder how he got these powers? Did anyone know about it before? and questions like that, he kept asking, but of course, no one had an answer. Annie didn't speak at all, while Berthold just kept agreeing with Reiner.

"Reiner, have you suddenly fallen in love or what?" you raised your voice after a long silence on your part. Berthold and Reiner looked at you strangely, not really knowing what you were talking about, so you continued. "All the time you talk about Eren."

Reiner laughs awkwardly. "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really," you nod, "No one can tell you why Eren can do that, and if even Armin and Mikasa didn't know, then no one else did either. Probably not even Eren. Or do you think someone like him could keep something like that a secret for long?"

"I guess you're right," Reiner finally says.

"The whole thing is strange, don't you think, (Y/n)? We're just surprised that's all," Berthold said defensively as he nervously shifted back and forth and began to sweat.

"Sure, I don't think it's normal either, but what's the point of speculating about it all the time."

The mood at the table became heavy and tense. You feel as if you have said something wrong. What happened all of a sudden, you ask yourself. Did they misunderstand your little joke earlier? Some people were really sensitive.

The uncomfortable silence was broken when a bang was heard in the distance. Immediately you jump up from your seats and look around.

"A cannon shot?" Reiner says.

Suddenly smoke rose from inside the wall. You can swear that the smoke rose from where the headquarter was. Immediately everyone became alert and observed the unforeseen event. Panic spread as the first suspected that the inner gate had been broken through.

Next to you, Reiner suddenly took the mechanism of his ODM gear in his hand and pulled himself into the air at the very same moment. Annie and Berthold followed him immediately.

You see Jean getting ready as well when he sees the other three leave. You join them, as you could guess where the smoke was coming from. It was just like a titan that starts to evaporate when killed, and with only one titan inside at a time, the solution was easy to see.

When you arrived on a suitable roof after the four others, you could see through the smoke what had taken their breath away. A titan was visible on the ground. However, not as you imagined, but it had no skin, the bones were just covered with muscle flesh. Its jaw was wide open and one of its green eyes was looking directly at the soldiers of the Garrison. They had drawn their swords.

The cannon was reloaded and everyone remained on alert. The smoke still hides everything, but as soon as it has cleared they will probably launch the next attack. Captain Verman is under a lot of pressure. He is shaking and sweating and shouts every now and then. "Only fire on my command!"

You can see from your place up on the roof that Verman is not in his right mind. As long as he is in charge they will make a big mistake!

Armin, who suddenly runs out of the smoke with his hands up, interrupts Verman, who was about to give another order to fire. "Listen! He is not an enemy of humanity! We are willing to share all our information, so please don't shoot!"

"Do not try to beg for your lives! We cannot let him live, for he has just revealed his true form to us! If he is not our enemy, then prove it! If you can't, we have only one option: eliminate the threat!"

"I don't need proof! What we think about him doesn't matter at all!" Armin replies.

"What are you saying!?"

"I know many of you here have seen him in action. Surely you have seen how he fought the other Titans and how the other Titans surrounded him! In other words, the Titans saw him, like us humans, as an object to be devoured! No matter how we go about it, this fact cannot be denied!"

What Armin said made the soldiers think. Still somewhat doubtful, they slowly lowered their swords. Was a Titan really on their side, they kept asking themselves.

For a moment you thought that Verman had also come to his senses, but after looking around uncertainly, he shouted, "Prepare to attack!!! Don't be fooled by his lies!!! This is a trap!!! With our minds, we cannot comprehend the action of the Titans! They can probably turn into humans too and pretend to be able to speak our language and fool us that way!"

After the captain's words, the knowledge gained disappeared as quickly as it had come and everyone was ready to kill Eren again. The soldiers held up their swords with a firm grip.

In this almost hopeless situation, Armin suddenly saluted and shouted with full conviction: "I am a soldier! And I have sworn to sacrifice my heart for the salvation of humanity! Yes, I am firmly convinced that dying for humanity is the greatest honour of all! If we combine his power as a titan and our remaining group strength, then it is quite possible to recapture the city. For the honour and glory of humanity! As long as I am alive, I beg you, please recognise his strategic worth!!!"

Ian also tries to reason with the captain and speak to him after he did or said nothing.

"Silence!", Verman yells at Ian. Verman slowly raises his arm to give the order to shoot.

You didn't know what to do. Eren was possibly the most powerful weapon humanity will ever receive. Verman was about to destroy this hope of humanity in one fell swoop, just because he was afraid. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the Colossal and Armoured Titan are just like Eren. If you understand Eren's powers, then surely you understand those of the other two Titans. Why can't Verman understand that? However, you were completely powerless. No matter how strong you were, you could never stand against Verman and his soldiers. Besides, it wasn't done after that either. Where would Eren go? Live behind the wall from now on? He wouldn't be of any use to humanity that way.

While you were still debating with yourself, you didn't notice how someone slowly walked through the rows of soldiers and came towards Verman. Before he could give the order to shoot, the person grabbed him by the arm. "That's enough now. Verman, you really are a pure bundle of nerves. You really need to work on that."

The person comes into your field of vision. You recognised the person. It was Dot Pixies, the commander of the wall garrison and thus Verman's superior.

"Are you blind to the brilliance of his salute?" Pixies says as he turns to Armin, "I've only just arrived but messengers have informed me of the situation here. You know, I have a feeling we should listen to what these young people have to say."

Commander Pixies took Eren, Mikasa and Armin with him. Of course, Verman was far from happy with this, but since it was Pixies who made the decision, there was nothing he could do but watch.

When the turmoil died down and the soldiers of the Garrison calmed down again, everyone eventually left the square.

"Let's go back. We have to prepare for the next mission," Reiner says.

Without another word, you rejoin the others and wait for further orders.

June 13, 2021

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