Figure in the Alley: The Survey Corps (6)

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~Your PoV~

"After all this commotion, I need something sweet first." you finally say as you stretch your arms above your head, "There's a good bakery nearby."

Eren agreed, which is why you are now heading together to the bakery you mentioned.

Not only because of today but also because of all the commotion before, you finally deserve a little reward, you think to yourself.

You open the store door, causing it to knock against the bell that hangs next to it. The ringing of the bell immediately drew out the owner of the bakery, Elsa. "Well, if it isn't (y/n)! It's been ages since your last visit!" the baker says with a warm smile.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been busy lately.", you say with an apologetic look on your face.

"Oh, yeah. I heard you joined the survey corps. Ewald is certainly worried sick, and so are we, for that matter."

"... Probably..." you replied. Your gaze drifted to the ground. You didn't expect to be reminded of your mentor again.

Elsa noticed your downcast mood. "So you still haven't heard from him, huh?"

"No. Still not."

Not wanting to worsen the mood even more and to distract you, Elsa quickly changes the subject. "Ah, I see you're not alone today."

When Elsa mentioned this, you also remembered that you didn't come here alone. Eren was standing next to you, a bit confused. He didn't know you knew the baker and didn't really understand what the two of you were talking about.

"Oh, yeah. This is Eren. We're on the survey corps together." you introduce him as you turn to him, seeing his lost look, which is why you explain; "Elsa had a bakery in Shiganshina. That's how we met."

"You could barely see over the counter then," she says with a light laugh, " Will you have the same as usual today?"

You answer her question in the affirmative. Eren also took the same, since you recommended it to him. While Elsa packed your orders, you chat a bit about the time back in Shiganshina. That might have been the first time Eren got a little glimpse into your past. You never talked about it otherwise.

You say goodbye to Elsa and look for a quiet place in the city where you could eat undisturbed.


After you were done, it was time to head back to headquarters. Moblit was surely already waiting for his thing.

Since it was already starting to get dark, there weren't many people out on the streets, just a few scattered ones. The streets were bathed in a warm orange.

But suddenly you had the feeling that someone was watching you. You had been feeling this way for a while now, but you could never locate anyone.

But this time you were sure that someone was hiding behind the boxes in the small side alley, in the almost unlit shadows.

Eren notices that you've stopped. "What's wrong?"

You didn't want to worry him or alert the mysterious observer. You did want to know who it was. So you quickly come up with an excuse. "I think I lost something back there."

"Yeah? What is it? Should we go check again?"

"I'll go quickly myself. Wait here." You don't give Eren time to answer and already started walking.

You had to do the whole thing a little more cleverly, of course, so that your pursuer wouldn't notice that you had noticed them. If you would just go to the alley, they would surely disappear or hide somewhere.

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