Erwin Smith: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls (3)

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~Your PoV~

Every muscle in your body was tense as you followed behind the wagon. Your comrades in the transport squad looked just as tense. It seems you were not the only one who had no idea what was going on.

But there was another feeling building up inside of you. You felt as if you were being followed. This feeling came suddenly shortly after you joined the transport squad and has not disappeared since. But nobody was following you at all...

Suddenly a soldier steps onto the path and waves with an outstretched arm. "Hey! Stop and come over here!" he called out to you.

"What's that all about?" muttered one of your comrades who was driving the wagon right next to you. Once again your suspicions that they didn't know what was going on either were confirmed.

Nothing about what was happening made any sense at all. Why would you stop while the female Titan was chasing you like a madman? Sure, they didn't know it was this Titan, but they knew there was a threat coming from the right. And now you are supposed to take a little break here, or what? What was going on in the commander's head?

You and the transport squad stopped. 

"Good, you will now unload the wagons and take everything where you are told," the soldier explained, which made you all wonder again. However, no one questioned the order and you began unloading the transport wagons.

You bring one of the incredibly heavy crates together with another soldier to the place you were told. As the crate was unpacked, your eyes turned upwards. All around you in the trees were scouts on the lookout.

"Well, well. (Y/n), I didn't expect to meet you here!"

You turned your gaze back down in the direction the voice came from. Hanji came rushing towards you, waving.

"Did Levi send you?" she asks before her eyes fall to the transport squad, "Oops, or did they assign you to another squad last minute?"

You shake your head. "No, neither. I got separated from my squad when I was supposed to deliver a message. I was then told to join the transport squad."

"Oh, I see. Well, you're lucky then. You won't miss out on a very special show," she said meaningfully, but did not elaborate any further.

You didn't want to ask any questions because it must be information that was not meant for your ears. Otherwise, Hanji would surely have let you in on it long ago. "I see," you reply, before turning back to your work.

With each passing minute, the situation became more and more odd.

The contents of your load were what looked like wooden barrels, but were definitely something else. On the bottom of each barrel were seven steel pipes, but what was inside the steel pipes you could not see. Wooden stands were also placed around the barrels, which made it seem as if you were supposed to hide behind them.

It wasn't long before everything was set up and you were ordered to take cover in the branches of the trees. While a few other soldiers took up positions behind the barrels, and as you thought, hid safely behind the wooden stands.

From your position on the branch of the tree, you could see the soldiers holding cords that were connected to the barrels.

What was all this supposed to represent?

You wanted to look for more clues that might explain what was happening here, but you were stopped when suddenly heavy foot stamping could be heard moving directly in your direction. 

"(Y/n), you'd better cover your ears. It's about to get loud," Hanji says, standing next to you.

You look to her questioningly. "What do you mea-"

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