Theory: Eve of the Counterattack (1)

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~Your PoV~

Felix and you are eating breakfast. Next to you was Christa.

A lot has happened. The military police took Eren into custody. People were divided because of him, many inside Wall Rose and the former residents of Wall Maria wanted Eren to be used to take back Wall Maria, while most of the residents of Wall Sina wanted Eren eliminated because the people behind Wall Rose might use him to lead a rebellion. Many soldiers also had different opinions, some seeing him as the hope of humanity, others as a monster.

"I just heard something," Ymir says, just arriving with her food and sitting down next to Christa.

"Yeah, and what?" Felix asks after she doesn't continue.

"What are you giving me for the info?" Ymir replies.

"Ymir.", Christa sighs, "Just tell us what's going on."

"Tch, all right, because it's you, Christa.", Ymir says, "There's supposed to be a special trial to decide what happens to Eren today."

"Eren's fate will be discussed today?" Felix repeats, "They're not going to kill him, are they?"

"That would be just terrible," Christa says, "He must surely be feeling bad all alone in the dungeon."

"It's certainly a possibility that they'll kill him," you finally join the conversation, "Opinions about him are divided, and the Garrison almost killed him, after all. Therefore."

"I wouldn't like that. At least as long as Eren's around, I won't have to push myself," Ymir says, to which Christa nudges her in the side with her elbow and shakes her head.

"Ymir, what are you talking about? They're holding a trial?" Reiner interjects, having overheard your conversation. Christa tells Reiner what Ymir heard and what everyone else thinks, meanwhile Berthold addressed you. "So the military police might kill Eren, huh?"

"Seems like it, yes.", you nod, "At least our honorable officers, now understood it too. The Colossal, as well as the Armored Titan, are probably human, just like Eren."

"You could be right about that," Reiner agrees.

"Could be? It's too likely to be a could," you correct him, "And I'd even go so far as to guess that the Armored and Colossal Titan are behind our walls. I used to think that the survey corps had a talent for picking the best times to go on expeditions. But that it happens every time, exactly when the wall is destroyed? That would be a strange coincidence. After all, the survey corps is probably their worst enemy, since they know how to fight Titans. And something special happened in Trost. The armored one didn't show up as expected to destroy the inner gate. The only thing that was different from five years ago is that Eren has also turned. An outsider somewhere outside the walls would never know about it."

"Hey, aren't you exaggerating a bit? The colossal one and the armored one behind the wall, that's impossible!", Reiner objects.

"You think so? I think the whole thing is actually pretty plausible."

"But you don't think Eren is in league with them, (y/n)?" Christa asks.

"Eren and on the side of the Titans? Well, I guess that would be impossible. Or Eren is a pretty good actor. Then kudos to our enemies," you reply, "But fun aside. I don't think Eren is involved in this in any way. I also honestly believe it's the exact opposite. I would go out on a limb and say that the Colossal and Armored were after Eren. They just didn't know it was Eren they were looking for."

"What makes you think that?" Reiner pursues.

"Well, the only thing that stopped the armored one from destroying the gate was Eren, wasn't it? Because he suddenly appeared. Maybe they destroyed the walls to provoke a transformation or something..." you respond, the last part being more spoken to yourself.

"Oh really. Then has your super brain also figured out why they're doing this?", Ymir says.

"How should I know that? They're hardly going to leave us a note with their plan."

"You're really starting to go crazy, (Y/n)! And I've always thought you were close to reality. You could use your new talent to come up with a plan for me to skip training undetected," Ymir says with a mocking laugh.

"Ymir, don't be like that! What (Y/n) says could actually be true after all. It sounds pretty conclusive, doesn't it?", Christa defends you.

"Oh, let it be, Christa," you interject, "I've spun out a little something now that sounded quite logical to me at first, but if everyone here thinks otherwise, then it must have been just figments of my brain after all."

Your conversation is interrupted as the door to the dining room flew open. "Mikasa Ackermann, Armin Arlert, (Y/n) (L/n) and Felix Altenberg! You are ordered to appear at the trial this afternoon and testify as witnesses!" a military policeman who had come into the dining room ordered.

So what Ymir said was true. They will indeed hold a trial. You didn't know what to think about it. On the one hand, they don't just kill Eren now, as Verman almost did, but on the other hand, the survey corps that wants to use Eren for their purposes has almost no chance against the military police.

Christa gets up from her seat. "I have to go to the military hospital now. They are surely waiting for me already."

Christa has been helping out in the military hospital since the beginning of the training unit, as she wanted to learn more to help, at least that way, since she wasn't that strong.

"(Y/n), Felix, good luck in the trial. I'm sure you'll manage to help Eren.", Christa, turns to you with her usual smile.

"I hope so....," you murmur. You couldn't be that optimistic. A witness can only testify to what happened. And that's pretty obvious in this case, after all. Eren closed the hole in the wall, there are no two opinions about that. So you are not sure to what extent you can testify in his favor. 

4th July 2021

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