Dark under-eye Circles: Restocking of the Supply Base (2)

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~Your PoV~

The days were flying by, leaving only two left until the start of the mission. Training with your team went well. Section Leader Mike didn't talk much, but he was a reliable leader and his skills, as well as those of his unit, were at a very high level. It didn't surprise you that they had been members of the Survey Corps for many years and survived countless missions outside the walls.

However, while your training was going well, your mental state was not. Night after night, you slept less and less. You had already suffered from lack of sleep before, but now you felt that strong black tea was keeping you alive. You used to be able to fall asleep dreamlessly after great exhaustion, but even that was no longer possible.

Your condition naturally caused your performance to decrease, and although it was still at a relatively high level, which is why they haven't removed you or taken you to a doctor yet, it was far from your usual ability.

"Are you all right? You're almost passing out. How many hours did you sleep?" Eren asks you on your way to the training ground. Since you were visibly unwell, he was always pestering you with questions about your condition. Sometimes this was quite annoying...

"A solid hour and a half," you reply, before correcting yourself upon seeing the look on Eren's face. "I'm kidding, okay."

Eren shakes his head as he looks at you with concern. "Better get back in bed and get some rest. I'm sure Section Leader Mike won't mind."

"I'm fine. I'll manage," you stubbornly counter. After all, the training was important and besides, you were still relatively fine.

"But have you looked in the mirror in the last few hours? You shouldn't overdo it, if there's anything I can do, I'm always happy to help."

You roll your eyes. "Yes, thank you, Mom, but I'm perfectly fine."

Before Eren could say anything else in response, you leave. He came after you, of course, but you quickly disappeared around a corner, so he didn't know which way you went.

It was kind of him to worry, but you didn't want anything like that. You could take care of yourself just fine. Besides, he was the one who always got upset with Mikasa, though you've learned in the last few weeks that he wasn't necessarily any better himself...

You continue your way to the training ground. Since you got up early, you still had a decent amount of time before practice starts, so you didn't have to hurry.

"Oh, jeez, (Y/n), you look like a titan vomited you out," you suddenly hear someone say. Looking to the side, you see Ymir leaning against a wall. Next to her was Christa.

"Thank you. Friendly as always, Ymir," you replied as you stopped.

Christa immediately eyed you and said in a worried tone, "Ymir is right. You look terrible!"

"I cannot help my face," you say with a shrug of your shoulders, trying to downplay the issue.

Christa looked at you seriously. "I'm serious! Are you getting enough sleep? Are they demanding too much from you, by any chance? You should allow yourself the rest your body needs to regenerate."

"Don't you start like Eren, too, Christa. I'm doing just fine, really. There's nothing to worry about.", you answer a little more rudely than you planned, which is why Christa looked at you a little hurt, "I just had a bad night. That's all."

After Christa looked at you again with concern, but this time said nothing more, you finally go to the training ground. 

Everything really went extraordinarily well. As always, you and your comrades manage the tasks with good to very good results. It was probably nothing else to expect from Section Leader Mike's squad. It was really an honor to be also a part of that team for this mission.

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