To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina (1)

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It was a sunny day when you and Professor Ewald Winkler, who took you in, decided to explore some flowers and herbs.

"Professor, what flower is that?" you ask excitedly as you point to one of the flowers that bloomed in the middle of the field.

The older man smiled warmly. "A daffodil."

"It is so beautiful, Professor! But the most beautiful is the hibiscus you showed me in your book! It's a pity that this flower doesn't exist here...", you say sadly. You would have loved to see this flower for yourself. Even as a painted picture, its beauty was unmistakable. You couldn't imagine how beautiful it must be then when you see it up close.

"Don't be sad, dear. When you're older, we can look at many more beautiful flowers," the professor says, while the warm smile, not disappeared from his face for a second, and he lovingly caressed your head.

"Yes, definitely! I want to see a lot more of the world," you say excitedly as you spin around in circles surrounded by colorful flowers.

"Did you know that flowers have their own language?" Professor Winkler asks you.

"What, flowers can talk?!" you respond, wide-eyed. You had never heard a flower speak, but you would love to know what they have to say. Or maybe it was that none of the flowers wanted to talk to you, and they preferred to talk to Professor Winkler when you weren't around. This thought made you sad. After all, you loved flowers so much!

"They can't say something directly, but every flower has a meaning and when you give it to someone, it expresses something. For example, the daffodil says: You are quite vain!", he explains in a calm voice.

"But it's so beautiful! Why does it have such a mean meaning?" you say, " It must be crying every day because people are giving daffodils to each other to express something like that with it. Just because they can't do it with their own words!"

Professor Winkler laughed slightly when he saw how upset this, for your children's eyes, injustice made you. What he didn't tell you was that it had a slightly different meaning and that the one he told you was merely more well-known. A flower whose actual meaning fit you well, he thought to himself. "Yes, but it's fortunate that there are people, like you, who can appreciate its true beauty, dear."

On your face, a wide grin appears again, as you look at the daffodil once more. "Yes, I'll tell it every day how beautiful it is, and that it shouldn't listen to others! Just like Nora always does."

"I'm sure it will be happy if you are as good a friend to it."

You nod your head vigorously. "That would be great! But Professor, what does the hibiscus tells you when you get it as a gift?"

Winkler thinks for a moment before answering, "The hibiscus says; You are a marvel of beauty."

"It fits that flower!" you agree with a smile.

"You're right about that.", he says, before his gaze fell on his pocket watch that he always carried with him. Thinking back, you had never seen him without his watch before, "It's about time, we should start heading home, dear.", he eventually says.

You nod back at him before turning to the flowers. "We'll be back soon. See you later!"

Another warm smile sneaks onto Winkler's lips as he sees how much energy you have hopping along the path. You were truly a little whirlwind, but also a real ray of sunshine, infecting everyone around you with your cheerful mood.

You go through the inner gate of Wall Maria, to the Shiganshina District, where your house is located. Shiganshina is in the southern part of Wall Maria and is one of the twelve outer Districts that attract the Titans in order to protect Wall Maria.

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