Another Meeting but without Pleasure: The Survey Corps (10)

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~Your PoV~

You stand a bit aside while Moblit and Hanji try to free Eren from his titan. From the distance, you could see that Eren appeared to be unconscious. When they had taken care of Eren, Hanji approached you.

"You wanted to talk to me. What is it about?" you get right to the point. You just didn't feel mentally capable of listening to Hanji's crazy ideas. You just wanted to lie down in your bed and be by yourself.

"We can talk about that later! Did you see - or rather - hear what Eren did when you arrived with Moblit?" Hanji's tone was as always hectic and full of energy and verve, which you - as always - couldn't share.

"It would have been harder not to notice," you counter, thinking back. It hadn't been quiet, exactly.

"It was barely unmistakable, huh? But I think it's directly related to the incident back at the capturing mission. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

You had little desire to play guessing games right now, and even more so, you didn't want to remind yourself of that gone wrong mission. "Not really."

"Ah, come on, you're not even trying!" she whines, "Come on, I know you can easily figure out the solution!"

"No, I really can't. This situation and the one back then are completely different," you continue to say.

"Alright, I'll spill the beans then, if you want to continue being stubborn. The connection is you.", she says as she points her finger at you.

"Me?" you ask as you also point your finger at yourself.

"That's right. I already told you back then that Eren seems to react to you. Even if he doesn't notice it himself. He only made that purring noise today after seeing you. And didn't he say back then that you were the main reason why he turned in the first place? And I just remembered, too, he talks quite a lot about how good and talented you are. For example, that time when you and I didn't really know each other, he said-"

"That's definitely too much information! I don't have a need for it. Besides, back then, you already told me that Eren told you that I was talented or something. I don't need to hear that again," you interrupt her. You didn't like the idea of people talking about you like that, either. "Let's focus on what's important: What do you want from me now, after the assumption?"

"Always goal-oriented, that's what I like so much about you!", Hanji again rambles, but she quickly finds the thread again, "For our research, it's important to get to the bottom of the matter, that's why I'd like you to join our experiments from now on. What do you say?"

And as so often, you knew you couldn't refuse. Hanji had her mind set on the whole thing anyway, and you just didn't feel like having a lengthy discussion right now, so you agreed, which of course made Hanji cheer immediately.


After this hard day, it was finally time to eat something. The food was not the most delicious in the world, but it served its purpose.

You sit next to Petra. Together with the other members of your squad, you chatted, while the corporal just listened silently.

Your little conversation was interrupted when the door opened. Curious glances turned to the door, as you were already fully gathered.

You could hear Auruo muttering, "That must be the nutcase again..."

You shared his suspicion. No one else came to visit you here at the old headquarters, but to your surprise, it was actually someone else.

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