Departure: Restocking of the Supply Base (3)

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~Your PoV~

The day of departure had come. Together with your unit, you are preparing to move out.

You are at the stables, where everyone fetched and saddled their horse. Since it was dark, the place was lit only by the light of the torches.

You were completely focused on getting the saddlebags properly attached,  so you didn't notice anyone approaching you.

"Did you wet your pants?"

Completely dumbfounded, you turn in the direction from which the voice came. In front of you is Corporal Levi, as always, with an inscrutable expression.

"Not that I recall," you reply, probably a little too honest to this obviously sarcastic question.

"Not that it matters but try to relax your shoulders a bit. Just looking gives me a backache."

When he said that, you stretched out your back with a slight nod.

"Come back unharmed, and without any bite marks from any titans. Understood?"

Again, you nod, "Yes, sir."


Since your setting out, you've been able to venture a fair bit into the land in front of the wall. Since the Titans were not active at night, you've been able to move forward without much difficulty.

You were in the spotting squad of the left flank together with Mikasa and Gelgar. Right now you are standing on a rock with a telescope in your hand. Despite the telescope, you couldn't see very far because of the darkness, but everything seemed to be clear of Titans.

"Seems like everything is clear," you say as you turn to Mikasa and clip the telescope to your belt. 

She only nodded in response before holding out her hand to help you down from the stone. You take her hand gratefully, of course.

"What's your situation?" Gelgar, who approached from the side. asks.

"No Titans in sight," you reply.

"Good, nothing over there either," he says before taking out a green smoke grenade from the bag on his horse and then launching it into the air. During your current mission, a green smoke signal means that the way was clear.

Because of the poor visibility due to the darkness and your small numbers, you were not able to cover a large area as you did during the Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation, but due to the low activity rate of the Titans, there was no need to do so. "We're moving forward," Gelgar orders while getting on his horse. You and Mikasa follow his lead.

The rest of the way went just as smoothly as the previous one. You encounter a few immobile Titans, which you bypass for safety reasons, causing you to arrive at the supply base over an hour later. But, since Section Leader Mike planned for delay from the start, you were still well within time and will have plenty of time to replenish the base, rest a bit, and ride back to the wall. 

This was your first mission so far outside the wall, yet you couldn't say you were particularly nervous or scared, since there were no Titans around for miles. Right now, the worst task will probably be carrying all the boxes into the supply base.

Finally, you arrive at the supply base. It wasn't too big, but bigger than you imagine. Despite being made mostly of wood, it was sturdily built. Above the entrance hung the flag of the Survey Corps. There was also a small stone wall built around the tower. Between the wall and the tower was a makeshift horse stable. 

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